Epilogue ~ Thank You for Everything

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Dedicated to everyone who stuck with Adalyn through it all, and patiently went along as she ran away from love, even though you were always there to love her when no one else was.



Thank You for Everything


       “Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Syri-e, happy birthday to you!”

Placing the cake in front of her daughter, Adalyn knelt down next to her and brushed her long dark curls away from her face. “Make a wish babe!”

Grinning, Syrie breathed in deeply and let out a big breathe, blowing out the four candles like an expert. The room burst into applause, a few cameras flashing as Syrie gave Adalyn a sweet little kiss on the cheek. The room was full of Syrie’s favourite people, Teddy and Victoire sitting beside her; Mr and Mrs. Weasley stood close by and a few of her aunts and uncles. Bill Weasley stood beside a barely pregnant Fleur, their second child, Dominique on his hip. On the other side of Syrie, Harry and Ginny stood closely, Hermione and Ron not far off.

Adalyn stood and began to cut the cake, the guests chatting amongst themselves. She was just about to make the second cut when she went deathly pale, hand freezing mid cut. Straightening quickly, Adalyn handed Harry the knife “Could you finish Harry? I-I have to…” but she fled the garden before she could finish, leaving most people in the room confused.

“Is she alright, she looked very pale.” Mrs. Weasley said worriedly, inching towards the door. “Maybe I should-”

“Its fine Mum, I’ll go.” Said George, leaving the garden for the front of the house, climbing the stairs. He stopped briefly to look at the wedding photographs recently put on the wall from that summer, when he and Adalyn had married at the Burrow. It had been a small ceremony, with only immediate family and close friends; most of the order had come, too. Adalyn had walked down the isle alone, saying if she couldn’t have Sirius, she wasn’t having anyone.

Coming to the bathroom, George knocked lightly “Ada? It’s me, can I come in?”

The lock clicked and George opened the door to see Adalyn leaning against the tiled wall, eyes closed. She was breathing deeply, and the slight smell of sick was still in the air. “Hey George.” She said, smiling tiredly up at him.

Leaning down next to her, George lifted a hand to her forehead “Did you throw up again? I thought the doctor said you were fine.”

“He did,” she said as George helped her up and guided her to their bedroom, which used to be Lucy’s. He sat her down on the bed and went back into the joint washroom, wetting a cloth and putting it to her forehead. “I’m fine George, really.”

“You don’t seem fine,” he said worriedly “Do you want to lie down? I’ll cover for you.”

“I’m fine George, honestly.” Adalyn put the cloth to the side and looked up at him “And, well…I’m not completely fine.”

George frowned and took her hands “I knew it…please tell me its not fatal.”

Laughing lightly, Adalyn stood and kissed his lips quickly “No, it’s wonderful actually.”

“Just tell me so I can get it over with,” said George, wrapping his arms around her waist.

Going on her tipy toes, Adalyn put her lips right to his ear and whispered: “You’re going to be a dad.”

Pulling back slightly, George looked down at Adalyn in surprise. He seemed frozen in shock, perfectly speechless. “I-I…what? How…how long…when…?”

A laugh escaped her lips as she ran her fingers through his hair “You’re going to be a dad, George. Of a baby you made with me, just ours. And I’ve known since that emergency doctor’s appointment this morning; I was going to tell you tonight.”

George pulled her close, one hand fluttering closely to her abdomen “Thank you,” he whispered “Merlin thank you Adalyn Weasley. You just made me the happiest man on earth.”

Adalyn took his hand and placed it on her stomach, silvery grey eyes wet with tears “If…if it’s a boy…I want to name him Fred.”

Not able to help it any longer, tears slipped down George’s cheeks and he pulled Adalyn to him. He couldn’t believe what she had told him, and somehow his last wish had come true. Somehow this wonderful woman loved him, finally accepted the love he was so willing to give-and now this. Adalyn was giving him something he thought might never happen, and he loved her for it.

“Let’s go back downstairs,” she said “We can’t tell anyone yet, but its Syrie’s birthday and we’re missing it.”

Nodding, George took her hand and they walked downstairs and out into the garden. Adalyn shooed them away, saying she was fine and returned to her daughter’s side. Syrie was eating a piece of cake and talking with Teddy and Victoire, getting cake all over her jumper. The garden was a bubble of spring, the world outside the white picket fence a winter wonderland; Adalyn and George had worked all night to create it for Syrie, and she’d loved every second of it.

As the evening wore on and the kids bundled up to play in the snow, everyone joined them for a snowball fight. In the middle of it all as snow floated down around them George took Adalyn in his arms and kissed her like he never had before, only parting when he got snow down his neck thanks to Syrie.

They parted laughing, and Adalyn smiled up at him with all the love she had always wanted to give him. “George?”

“Yea Adie?” he said, eyes bright as he looked down into her flushed and happy face.

“Thank you,” said Adalyn as he pressed his forehead to hers “Thank you for everything.”

The End...

...For Now

A/N: So that's it! I'm not sure if I liked this epilogue, but hopefully you guys do! I really enjoyed writing TOTL, and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did, and will continue to with the third book!

Speaking of the third book! It will be called "The One That Loved"...confusing since it is also TOTL...maybe I'll call it TOTL2...anyway, the sneak peek will be up soon!! I've got it all planned out already, so let's hope it gets as much love as TOTGA and TOTL!

Question: You should know the question! What do you think the sequel will be about, and what was your favourite part of TOTL :)

I hope you all liked the ending! Thank you everyone, and have a smashing day!


P.S The somg 'Arms' at the side is the song that I think truly explains the dynamics of George and Adalyn, don't you?

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