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The One That Lied

Book Two in ‘The One Series’


June, 1998

            Diagon Alley was just thinning out for the evening, the shoppers returning to their homes or room at the Leaky Cauldron. It was a warm June evening, and people were reluctant to go inside on such a nice night. People were happy, smiling often since the Harry Potter had defeated Voldemort and the war had ended. People had died, but by now the funerals were over and people could slowly begin healing.

Except one.

In a colourful shop in Diagon Alley, a certain ginger haired man sat at the counter of his shop, listening to the silence. That’s all there was now, silence; no longer was there another him bumbling about, making mischief and joking with him. He had to finish his own sentences now. For the first time in his life, George was alone.

The bell tinkled over the shop door, and George didn’t look up as they walked in. “Can I get some service here?” they whispered, so lightly George almost didn’t hear them.

But he knew that voice…a voice that haunted his dreams each night and had whispered in his ear. He sat up, and had to shake his head slightly to make sure this wasn’t a dream-because it seemed a lot like the ones he had each night. “Ada?”

“Hey ginger,” she smiled weakly at him, and George realized how sick she looked; her face was paler than ever, and she had dark circles under her eyes. She was wearing jeans and a Weasley jumper in a soft woolly grey, her arms wrapped tightly around herself.

“What-how…Adalyn Black you have to stop running away!” he cried, moving around the counter and across the shop, taking Adalyn in his arms.

Breathing in the smell of explosives and pine, Adalyn tried not to cry “I made a mistake George. A big mistake.”

George held her away from him for a few moments, looking her over; she really did look unwell “Are you okay, Ada? You…you don’t look very good.”

“I’m in trouble, George.” She whispered, looking up at him, lips trembling.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, fear replacing the joy he’d felt at seeing Adalyn again after two months “Ada?”

“Before I tell you, I can trust you with anything, right? Anything at all, even if it might break your heart? Even if it’s terrible?”

George nodded, grip tightening on her shoulders “You can tell me anything, Ada.”

She looked up at him, tears spilling over “I’m having a baby, George.” She said it so softly, in a terrified, trembling voice, as if she couldn’t even believe it herself.

Mind reeling, George tried not to lose all feeling in his knees “Who...?”

“It’s Harry’s.” she cried, still in that shaky whispery voice “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be,” he said, pulling her close again. They sank to the floor, Adalyn leaning into his chest “I-I’m sure it was an accident, a moment of weakness, right?”

She nodded violently “It was the day of the war, George. We were so vulnerable, so lost…it just happened.” Tears soaked his robes, but George didn’t care. “Please don’t kick me out, George.” She begged, gripping onto his robes “I cant tell anyone, they’ll shun me. All I have is you.”

He nodded dumbly, arms still wrapped around her “I made you a promise, Adalyn, and I’m not going to break it. I’ll be here for you, for as long as you need me.”

“Thank you,” she whispered “But you cant tell Harry, okay? Promise me.”

Brushing a lock of dark hair behind her ear, George smiled sadly at her “I promise, as long as you tell him before her before the kids third birthday. And I’ll wait for you Ada; I’ll wait as long as you need me to.”

Adalyn turned her head upwards and kissed him softly, her tears mingling with his own “You’ve got a deal ginger.”

A/N: And there it is! The prologue of "The One That Lied"! I was JUST about to post it this morning when my internet was disconnected and I couldn't put it up! But now I am moved, my family is on a plane to Istabbul and I am at my best friend's house for a month!

Question: How do you think this story will fan out? And what would you like to see? Will George wait for Adalyn, or will he finally give up? Will she tell Harry about the baby, or will they grow up without a father just like their parents?

Have a smashing night!


The One That Lied {Book Two in The One Series}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora