Ch.1 Strange girls

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Hey guys, I hope you all enjoy this romantic comedy with monsters and blood, and uh, strange stuff. Got inspiration from 'My Babysitter's a Vampire', anyone remember that? It was and still is one of my favorite movies and shows, kinda disappointed that it ended with a cliffhanger. Plus I thought this song would be a good theme song for this. But anyway, I hope you all enjoy :)

Like any other horror story, the night was dark and windy in a town in Montana, with the wind brushing against the dead trees since all of the leaves have fallen off due to the autumn weather. And since it was autumn, that also meant Halloween was just around the corner. And inside one house, two high school guys name Ethan and Cameron were sitting on the couch in the living room surrounded by snacks and watching a horror movie.

"Don't go in there" Ethan said to the movie as he munched on some popcorn with his eyes on the screen.

They continued to watched the movie as the girl started to go down the steps to the basement.

"Hoe don't do it" Cameron said as with his eyes widen.

But the girl had gone into the basement and started to get attacked by the monster as she started to scream as Ethan and Cameron cringed.

"That's why you stay out of the basement!" Ethan pointed to the screen "Nothing good ever happens in the basement! Have some sense girl!"

"Is it me? Or is every horror movie character really stupid?" Cameron asked.

"Tell me about it" Ethan agreed with a chuckle.

"Hey where's Tyler? He should of been here already."

"He's probably getting chased by Ms. Howell's dog again" Ethan smirked.

"Yeah" Cameron agreed with a chuckle.

All of a sudden, they began to hear some pounding outside the house.

"What the hell is that?" Cameron asked.

"I'll see" Ethan said as he got up and went out the house.

He followed the sound of the pounding and saw that a guy was shooting tennis balls at the garage door with a hockey stick.

"What the hell are you doing?" Ethan demanded.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" the guy said as he kept hitting the balls with the hockey stick.

"Well you're trespassing on my land" Ethan frowned.

"Why don't you be the loser you are, and beat it?"

"That's it" Ethan frowned as he pulled out his phone "I'm calling the cops."

But at that point, the guy grabbed Ethan's phone and threw it against the garage door.

"Hey!" Ethan yelled as he ran to get his phone.

But as he was doing so, the guy saw something flying above him, and the next thing he knew, he felt himself being lifted into the air.

"Can't believe it didn't crack" Ethan said to himself and he rubbed his phone screen.

But when he looked ahead, he saw that the guy was gone and his hockey stick was left behind. Confused, Ethan went up to the stick and picked it up, he then looked around and saw that the guy was no where in sight. But suddenly, a pair of shoes dropped from the sky and landed in front of him, he realized that it was the same shoes the guy was wearing.

"What the?" Ethan gasped with shock as he looked into the sky but saw nothing.

Now confused and scared, he turned around to go back inside, but when he turned around, he was shocked to see a guy wearing a bloody hockey mask and a machete in his hand as it raised it up and gave a yell. Ethan gave a shriek as he whacked the hockey stick across the guy's face as he fell to the ground.

"Dude!" he yelled in a familiar voice.

"Tyler?" Ethan gasped.

The guy took his mask off revealing his face "Duh!"

"Oh man sorry about that" Ethan said as he helped him "But don't scare me like that!"

"Come on" Tyler grinned "You should've seen that coming, it's almost Halloween, why not get into the spirit?"

"Hey" Cameron appeared from the front door with his mouth full of marshmallows "Did I miss anything?"

The next day on Monday, the boys were now at lunch in the lunch line as Ethan told them about his strange experience with the guy last night.

"One minute he was there" he said "And the next minute he's gone, like that."

"Maybe he just had to leave in hurry" Cameron said.

"But that's not all" Ethan said with shock "His shoes fell from the sky."

"Wow" Tyler chuckled "Are you sure they were his shoes, not some drug dealer's shoes that fell from the phone wires?"

"Dude!" Cameron gasped.

"What it's true."

"I don't know man" Ethan said nervously "But it was pretty freaky."

"You know what else is freaky?" Tyler said as he searched through his pocket "I had lunch money in my pocket and now it's gone."

"Well Cameron can take care of that."

"What?" Cameron said.

"Thanks man, I'll see you at the table."

But as soon as Ethan turned around, he bumped into a girl knocking her tray of food on her. She gasped as her salad got into her long black hair and edgy clothing.

"Way to go loser" she growled as she stomped away as some people gave a small laugh.

Ethan stood there with embarrassment as his friends went up to him.

"Damn" Cameron said with a little cringe "There's one girl that wont be talking to you."

They watched as the girl went to a circle table where she sat down with 2 other girls.

"Whoa she's one of those creepy mysterious chicks that are always together?" Tyler said.

"Apparently she is" Cameron said "What's her name? Ivy?"

"Yeah I think" Ethan said "And who are the other girls?"

"Well the blonde chick is Raven" Cameron said "She's in my chemistry class, she's always doing the work and answering almost every question."

"Why don't you ask her to tutor you?" Ethan suggested "I mean you are failing Chemistry."

"You think she'd help me?" Cameron doubted "She'd rather help herself."

Ethan gave a sigh "Then who's the other one?"

"I think her name's Dawn" Tyler said "It seems that she hangs out with dogs more than people."

"And that leaves Ivy" Ethan said "She doesn't really seem to talk to other people."

"Well those are some strange girls" Tyler said as they went to a table and sat down.

What do you guys think so far? More coming soon

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