Ch.15 Vampire party

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"Okay" Ethan said after the girls left "Let's go."

"Dude" Cameron said "What part of stay in the car do you not understand?"

"We can't let them do this alone, what if something bad happens to them?"

"What if something bad happens to us?"

"Fine, you can stay here then, Tyler and I will go. Right Tyler?"

"I'm just coming cause I want food" Tyler said as they got out of the car.

"Guys!" Cameron hissed as he then sighed "Sometimes I feel like a babysitter."

He then got out the car and went with them. They went behind the house where they hid behind some bushes and saw people in the pool and around it.

"Okay" Tyler said "So what do we do?"

"Well obviously we gotta find a way in" Ethan said.

"You do realize that if we go in, the vampires will know we're human and they might not let us leave?" Cameron said.

"That's why I brought these" Ethan opened his jacket where he pulled out some pencils from the inside pocket "These are perfect for vampires, sharp and wooden."

"Oh great" Cameron said with sarcasm "If we're fighting vampire rodents!"

"It's the best I got, I would've brought the tanning bulbs but it'll draw too many attention and the vampires will think we're up to something."

"We are up to something. Guys this seems like a bad idea we should just go back to the car."

"Well I'm not gonna leave the girls in danger."

"The girls have fangs, claws, magic and stuff, I'm sure they can handle it on their own."

"Not unless the vampires do something to them, and that's why I'm gonna take them down with these" Ethan held up the pencils.

"Give me those!" Cameron grunted as he tried to take the pencils away but Ethan pulled back.

"Guys stop" Tyler said as he tried to stop them.

But as they were fighting, the guys suddenly slipped and felt themselves falling through the bushes and onto the pool grounds. When they looked up, they saw Raven looking down at them with a frown and her arms crossed.

"It was his idea" Cameron pointed to Ethan.

Raven sighed as she pulled them up.

"What part of stay in the car did you guys not understand?" she asked with a frown.

"Hey it wasn't my idea" Cameron said "I tried to stop them."

"I wanted to help" Ethan put in.

"I just wanted food" Tyler added.

"I thought you girls could use some help so in case we have to fight the blood suckers, I brought these" Ethan held up the pencils "I mean, they're sharp and wooden."

"What are you gonna fight?" she asked "Vampire rodents?"

"See?" Cameron said to Ethan "She gets me."

Raven then gave a sigh "Well since you guys are here, you might as well help, but stay close to me, and don't wonder off."

The guys then followed Raven inside the mansion where they saw everyone partying.

"Man this place looks awesome!" Tyler exclaimed.

"We're not here to party" Cameron said "We're here to find Jared and the girls, and get the hell out of here."

"Looks like I've already found Dawn" Tyler pointed to Dawn who was eating some meatballs.

"Oh my God" Raven sighed as they went up to her "Dawn."

"Hm?" Dawn turned to them with her mouth full of meatballs.

"Are you even looking for Jared?" Raven asked.

"Well I-" she said as she swallowed the meatballs "I was, but then I got distracted by these awesome meatballs."

"Oo" Tyler said with interest as he looked at the meatballs "Don't mind if I do."

"Hey Ethan!" Jared went up to them "You made it, and you brought Tyler and Cameron."

He then noticed Raven and Dawn.

"Hey weren't you the girls who came to my place a few days ago?" he asked.

"Yes" Raven said "And we need to leave now."

"What you can't stay longer?"

"No" Ethan said "You need to come too."

"But this place is epic! Have you tried the meatballs here?"

"Already on it" Tyler said with his mouth full of meatballs.

"Jared" Ethan said "Listen to me, this place is dangerous, we have to go now."

"Don't worry" Jared said "There's no drugs and alcohol here, I think."

"That doesn't matter, we have to go now."

"Okay what is with you Ethan? Why don't you just sit back and-".

But before he could finish, Raven used her magic on him as he started to collapse but Dawn caught him.

"I'll put him in the car" she said as she started to drag Jared's sleeping body away.

"By the time he wakes up, he wont remember this" Raven said.

"Okay" Cameron said "Now we have Jared, can we go now?"

"Hold on" Ethan said as he turned to Raven "Where's Ivy?"

"I don't know" she said as she looked around "We gotta find her so we can get out of here."

Ethan then looked ahead and saw Ivy going up the stairs.

"There she is" he pointed as everyone went up the stairs after her.

They then found her hiding behind a wall as she was peeking behind it.

"Ivy" Raven called.

"Shh!" Ivy hissed "I'm trying to listen."

Everyone saw that she was watching Alex talk to some vampires in a game room.

"Ivy we have to go now" Raven whispered "We got Jared already."

"Wait" Ivy whispered as she continued to listen to the conversation.

"In just a couple of days" Alex said "We will have our revenge. As soon as we get the Animarum, we will have everything we've ever wanted. But in the meantime, we're having a party, the moon is full, let's eat."

Ivy's eyes widen as she quickly ran to the others.

"Okay we have to go now" she said with a worried look.

"Come on" Raven said as they started down the stairs.

But as they tried to run out, they were blocked by some vampires.

"Whoa whoa" one of them said "What's the rush, the fun is just starting."

He then smiled as he grew out his fangs. Everyone's eyes widen as they saw all the vampires looking at them with their fangs out.

"Well" Alex said as he entered and stared at them "Thank you guys for joining us, you're just in time for dinner."

"Oo what's on the menu?" Tyler asked.

At that point his friends looked at him.


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