Ch.10 Witch's lair

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After school, the guys and girls headed out front and to their cars.

"So" Raven said "Since you guys know about us, how would you guys like to visit out mansion?"

"Seriously?" they gasped as the girls nodded.

"Is it haunted?" Tyler asked.

"I can make it haunted" Raven smirked.

"Never mind."

"Well let's go then" Ivy said "Follow us."

They all got into their cars and drove off. They drove down a street near the woods until they came upon a path in the woods, they drove down the path when the guys noticed that there was a dead end with trees in the way.

"Uh, what are the girls doing?" Cameron asked.

"Are we gonna crash?" Tyler asked with his eyes widen.

But all of a sudden, the girls drove straight into the trees, but it looked as if they drove into a secret passage.

"What the?" the guys said surprised.

Soon they drove into the invisible passage and continued going down the path.

"So that's how they keep their place safe" Ethan concluded.

They continued to drive for a bit until they came upon the mansion where they parked their car and got out.

"Well here we are" Dawn said.

"Hey uh" Cameron said "How did we just go through the trees back there?"

"Oh it's a secret passage spell" Raven said "It's an allusion of a dead end that's really hiding the way here."

"Smart" he said amused.

"So" she smirked "Shall we go in?"

They all went to the door where Raven pulled out a key and unlocked it. She then opened the door as everyone stood in. What the guys saw was amazing, they were in a Victorian like mansion with a large chandelier hanging from the ceiling, a bit flight of stairs in the center covered in red, there were paintings around, and other elegant decorations.

"Pretty cool huh?" Ivy asked.

"Feels like I'm in a horror movie" Ethan said, getting a creepy vibe.

Just then there was a meow, the guys turned and saw a black cat coming towards them.

"And there's a black cat" Cameron said as they guys stepped back from the feline.

"Bad luck!" Tyler pointed to the cat as it looked at them with it's golden eyes.

"Yes Luna they're humans" Raven said to the cat "And they know about us, but you don't have to worry, they're are friends now."

Luna gave one last meow before going away.

"Is she your cat?" Cameron asked.

"Yeah" Raven said "I mean, every witch has to have a sidekick, and most often it's a cat, well a black cat."

"So you're a typical witch-" Tyler said "But without a pointy hat."


"Hey uh, who are these people in these old paintings?" Ethan asked as he went up to a painting of an old family.

"We don't know" Dawn said "Everything was here when we found this place, we just tidied it up and now it looks new."

"So you guys just found a random mansion in the woods?" Cameron asked.

"Pretty much" Ivy said.

"But this isn't the only building in the woods" Raven said.

"You mean there's others?" Tyler asked.

"We'll show you later."

As Ethan continued to look at the picture, the eyes of the family suddenly moved towards him as he jumped back with fright.

"Did you guys see that?" he asked with shock.

"So you guys wanna come upstairs?" Raven asked, not hearing him.

"Yeah sure" the guys said as they started to the stairs.

"Seriously no one saw that?" Ethan gasped.

He looked at the painting and saw that the eyes were back in their original position. He then quickly ran and joined the others as they went upstairs.

"I think I'll show you my room first" Raven said "Which also happens to be my lair."

Everyone followed Raven to a door at the end of the hall. The door had a symbol of a star inside of a circle hanging on it.

"Wait isn't that called a pentagram?" Cameron asked.

"Yep" Raven said "It's the witches symbol, I mainly use it for spells, and to protect against black magic, which is why I wear it everyday."

She reached down her shirt and pulled out a necklace with a pentagram pendent.

"And uh" Ethan said as he looked at the sign under the symbol "Trespassers will be put in the brew?" he read.

"Don't worry about that" Raven said "I would never do that."


"Or will I?" she smirked as she then opened the door and everyone walked in.

The guys saw that they were in a lair with many items, from bottles, to candles, to even a cauldron, everything looked definitely like a witch's lair.

"Damn!" Tyler said amused "This is cool!"

"You must really like purple" Cameron said as he looked at her bed that was full of purple colors, even her curtains and table cloth was purple.

"Well that's because purple is the main witch color" Raven said.

"Oo is that a human skull?" Tyler reached his hand towards a human skull on the desk.

"Stop!" Raven stopped him "No one is allowed to touch anything without my permission."

"So can I touch it?" he asked.

"No. Now if any of you guys touches or breaks anything here, I will turn you into a toad, and I mean it."

Tyler backed away from the desk with his hands up.

"So you actually have a cauldron?" Cameron asked as he looked at the cauldron next to the desk.

"Yep" Raven said "I make all my potions in there. Would you like to try one?"

"Uh, no thanks."

"I will" Tyler offered.

"Alright" she said as she went to a shelf full of potions and pulled a blue one down "Don't worry, it's harmless."

Tyler took the bottle and opened it, he sniffed it before taking a sip.

"Tastes funky" he said just as a long tail grew out of his back.

Everyone gasped as they started to laugh.

"What?" Tyler asked.

"Behind you" Dawn giggled.

He turned around and saw the tail.

"What the?" he gasped as everyone continued laughing.

"Real funny Raven" he frowned at her.

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