Ch.22 Weapons

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"Okay" Raven said when everyone entered Twilight Hall "First things first, you guys have to know everything about the monsters we're dealing with."

"I'm pretty sure we know everything about them already" Ethan assured.

"Oh really?" Ivy doubted "What are the ways to kill a vampire?"

"Easy, stake through the heart, pour holy water on them, put them in sunlight."

"There's more."


"Boy do you have a lot to learn."

"Uh, pardon us" everyone turned and saw the headmasters coming towards them.

"But we couldn't help but hear you guys are planning on doing some vampire hunting" Vlad said.

"Well actually vampires, werewolves, and evil witches" Raven corrected "They're planning on invading the Halloween fair tomorrow night and we have to stop them."

"Well in that case" Rendall said "We have some weapons for you guys to use."

Everyone followed the headmasters into a large office where Vlad went to a closet and pulled out a leather kit.

"If you boys are gonna be battling the blood suckers then you're gonna need these" he said as he opened the kit revealing the items used to kill vampires.

"Damn!" Ethan gasped "Vampire killing kit."

"We gotta plenty more where that came from" Vlad added.

"Let's see" Ethan said as he looked at the items "Wooden stake, holy water, pistol, silver bullets."

"Silver bullets?" Tyler said "I thought those are for werewolves."

"Well not many people know this" Raven said "But silver is just as deadly to vampires like it is to werewolves, whether it's a silver stake, silver bullets, anything silver works."

"What else does it have?" Cameron asked Ethan.

"A cross" Ethan said "Cloves of garlic, gunpowder, and a silver necklace with a cross on it."

"Well you're gonna need a lot more things for the vampires" Vlad put in.

"Right" Ethan said "We need to use those tanning bulbs too."

"And more holy water" Cameron added.

"And may I recommend a camera with a flash?" Vlad said "It's perfect to blind the vampires for a bit before killing them."

"Got it" Ethan said.

"And here" Merlin handed them some silver stakes "It's hard to find silver stakes around, but fortunately I happen to have some."

"Thank you" Ethan said as he took the stakes.

"And as for the werewolves" Rendall said as he pulled out a kit and opened it "Some of the items are pretty similar to vampires, and there isn't really a lot."

"Silver bullets" Tyler said as he looked inside the kit "Pistol, and what's this?"

He pulled out a purple plant.

"Wolfs bane" Rendall said "Werewolves are attracted to those, think of it like catnip for a dog."

"Cool" Tyler smiled as he looked into the kit "And what's this?"

He pulled out a small thin whistle.

"A dog whistle, you like animals, werewolves have very sensitive ears, and blowing that will make a high pitch sound."

"Really?" he said as he blew on the whistle, but he didn't hear anything.

But at that point Dawn, Ivy, Vlad, and Rendall gave a cry in pain as they covered their ears.

"Oh sorry" Tyler said.

"It also works for vampires" Vlad said as he rubbed his ear.

"And as for witches" Merlin said "There isn't really a lot, but the main things to have our salt, wear protection amulets, and just have lethal weapons. But there are some basic weapons, meaning that they can be used for all monsters."

He then used his powers to make a large trunk appear on the floor, he opened it and pulled out a crossbow and some arrows.

"Crossbow with silver arrows" he said.

"Whoa" Cameron gasped as Merlin handed him the crossbow and arrows "Boy I can't wait to use these."

Merlin then reached into the trunk and pulled out some daggers.

"Be careful when using these up close" he said "The monsters can be sneaky."

He then set the daggers down and pulled out more guns.

"You can't have enough guns" he said as he the pulled out a grappling hook "Grappling hook."

"Oo mine!" Tyler raised his hand as Merlin handed him the grappling hook.

"And lastly" Merlin said as he pulled out a lighter "A lighter, fire is every monster's fear."

"Well thank you Merlin" Raven said "We will surely use these."

"Any questions?" Vlad asked.

"Yeah" Ethan said "Does garlic sauce have the same effect as holy water?"

"It does actually, I know because one time I spilled garlic sauce on myself, it burnt like hell."


"Well thanks again" Raven said.

"Good luck all of you" Merlin said as they left the office with the weapons.

"Okay" Raven said "There's gonna be a lot of monsters tomorrow night, so we may need more weapons. I have another crossbow and arrows in my room."

"I can make wooden stakes" Ivy offered.

"We can fill our water guns with holy water" Ethan said.

"I have a taser" Cameron put in.

"Okay great" Raven said "We have all day today and tomorrow to be prepared."

"Well we still have some sunlight left" Dawn said "I say we get started on getting everything."

"Alright people" Raven said "Let's get on it."

Soon everyone was gathering more weapons, Ethan decided to go to a church where he started to fill up a water container with holy water, but when he turned around, he saw that the priest was watching him with a confused look.

"Oh uh" Ethan said as he tried to think of an excuse "My uh, grandmother has the mumps, and we need to bless her. And uh, I'll leave now."

He then walked away feeling a bit embarrassed. After everyone got more weapons, they met up at the girl's mansion.

"Okay" Raven said "What do we got?"

"I got more wooden stakes" Ivy said as she held up some stakes.

"Got holy water" Ethan said with the container in his hands.

"Got my taser" Cameron said as he held up a taser "And I also got some pepper spray."

"Nice" Raven said amused.

"And while most people have brass knuckles" Tyler smirked "I have silver knuckles."

He held up some silver knuckles.

"Damn!" Dawn gasped "I didn't even know they had those."

"Yeah, I got them from my grandmother."

"Well you got a tough grandma."

"I also have some garlic sauce at home" Ethan added.

"Great" Ivy said "And we may need more garlic."

"Alright then" Raven said "We'll get everything prepared tomorrow and then we'll head on to the fair. I gotta say, tomorrow is gonna be one interesting night."

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