Ch.33 Love a monster

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After trick or treating, everyone went to Ethan's house where they watched a horror movie while eating their candies.

"Girl don't you go in that graveyard" Dawn said.

But in the movie, the girl went into the graveyard as everyone watched her get slaughtered as they cringed.

"Man people in horror movies are really stupid" Dawn sighed.

Just then Jared came down the stairs.

"Hey guys" he said "How was the fair?"

"Oh uh" Ethan said "It was, interesting."

"Wait is that blood on you?" Jared pointed to the blood stain that was on Ethan's clothes.

"Oh uh, yes" Ethan said "Some guy was squirting fake blood at everyone."

"It was awesome" Tyler smiled.

"Okay...?" Jared with a confused look as he went into the kitchen.

"You know this would have to be the best Halloween ever" Ethan said.

"Yeah" everyone agreed.

"Tomorrow I'm gonna have a big stomach ache" Tyler said "But it'll be worth it."

"Hey" Cameron said to the girls "So now that your enemies are gone, what are you girls gonna do now?"

"Wow" Raven said with a wondering look "I've been so focused on defeating April and now that she's gone, I don't know what to do."

"I know what I would do" Ethan said "Hang out with us."

"Yeah" she smiled "I'll go with that."

After the movie was over, everyone went outside.

"Well I guess we'll see you guys tomorrow" Ivy said.

"You too" Ethan smiled.

"Well see you guys" Ivy smiled as she flew into the air.

"So how's your neck?" Tyler asked Dawn.

"Oh it's fine now" she said "Thanks to Raven."

"So are you doing anything tomorrow?"

"I don't think so."

"Well maybe we can do something together."

Dawn gave a small smile "Maybe we will."

And with that she sprinted away in her wolf speed.

"She's gonna run the way home?" Tyler asked.

"Actually she's gonna be doing some hunting" Raven said "Same with Ivy. But I should be going now, and I think I should leave with style."

She then held out her flying broom and got on it.

"Luna" she called as her cat got on the broom behind her "Bye guys."

"Bye" they said as she then flew off on her broom.

"That looks like fun" Tyler pouted as they watched Raven fly into the sky on her broom.

The next day, Ethan was in his front yard raking the leaves when Jared opened the door.

"You're doing a good job" he smiled.

"It would be nice for you to help me" Ethan frowned.

"Yeah no" Jared smirked as he closed the door.

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