Ch.7 Wolf attack

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"You're a witch?" the guys gasped at Raven.

"Yeah" she said "Why else am I so smart in Chemistry? It's basically an easier version of witchcraft."

"Hold on" Tyler said "If you're a witch, then where's your pointy hat and flying broom?"

"Just because I'm a witch doesn't mean I wear a pointy hat."

"She does have one though" Dawn put in.

"Yeah, but it's a costume."

"So you don't own a flying broom?" Tyler asked.

"Actually" Raven smiled as she held out her hand in front of her "Broom!"

At that point an old broom appeared in her hand.

"Whoa!" the guys gasped.

"Does it actually fly?" Cameron asked.

"You tell me" she smiled as she let go of the broom as it levitated.

"Now way" the guys gasped.

"Can I ride it?" Tyler asked.

"No" Raven said as she grabbed her broom and set it aside her.

"Now uh, quick question" Ethan said "Do you like, have powers or something?"

Raven gave a smiled as she began to form a ball of light in her hands. The guys eyes widen as they watched this amazing moment. Raven then threw the ball up as it exploded into sparkly dust.

"Sweet!" Tyler exclaimed as Raven gave a small laugh.

"And you guys don't have to be afraid of me" she said "I'm a good witch that only does white magic, unlike others who do black magic."

"Wait" Ethan said "There's other?"

"Yeah, there's other vampires, werewolves, witches and wizards. Some are good, some not so good, so we try to stay away from the bad ones."

"So we mean to tell us there's evil monsters living among us?" Cameron asked with a gasp.

"Yeah..." Raven shrugged "Which is why it's best to stay in at night."

"Especially on a full moon" Dawn added "That's when monsters are more active and powerful."

"You mean like that?" Tyler pointed up to the full moon in the night sky.

"Yeah" Ivy said with a worried look "Which is why we should get inside now."

So they all went back to Ethan's house and went inside.

"Okay" Raven said "Now Ivy, Dawn and I have to leave, now before we go, do you guys have any last questions?"

"Yeah" Cameron said "That mansion in the woods, do you guys live there?"

Raven gave a sigh "Yes, we all live there."

"All of you?" Ethan asked.

"Yeah, it's hidden in a secret part in the woods where no one can find us."

"But we did" Tyler said.

"That's because you followed me" Dawn said.

"How did you know we followed you?"

"I'm part wolf, I can smell your scent."

"Wait is that why you came here earlier?" Ethan asked "Cause you smelled our scent?"

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