Ch.30 Magic with magic

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"Uh, Ivy" Ethan said "Why don't you go into the woods and find something to eat while I take of him?"

"But-" she started to say.

"Excellent" he cut in "Now go find a rat or something to get all of your energy."

"Fine" she sighed "I'll try to hurry."

And with that she used her speed to go into the woods.

"Well" Alex said "I guess it's just us now."

"Pretty much" Ethan shrugged.

"Well in that case" Alex smirked as he headed towards Ethan "How would you like to watch the resurrection of all the most powerful vampires that died in 1885?"

"I wouldn't like that" Ethan said.

"Well too bad, cause as soon as they arrive, you are gonna be their first meal after all those years" Alex scowled as he gripped Ethan by his shirt collar.

But at that point Alex yelled in pain as he stepped back to see a burnt mark on his palm in the shape of a cross. He then turned to Ethan who pulled out a silver cross necklace that was hanging around his neck.

"Always be prepared" he smirked as he then pulled out a wooden stake.

"Well" Alex growled "Are you prepared for this?"

He then held his palm towards Ethan as Ethan felt a strong force knock the stake out of his hand, he then felt the force start to pull him down to the ground.

"How are you doing this?" he asked in pain.

"Why else am I one of the most powerful vampires all of?" Alex smirked.


As Cameron looked around for Raven, he suddenly heard some screams as he followed the sound to Raven and April fighting. As Raven tried to shoot out some magic at April, April quickly used her powers to send Raven flying into a popcorn stand. At that point Cameron aimed his crossbow at April and fired the arrow, but April caught it before it could hit her as she set the arrow on fire as she let the ashes fall to the ground.

"Nice try Cameron" she smirked as she used her powers to push him into Raven who had just gotten up.

"You guys are so pathetic" April said as she slowly went up to them.

Cameron got off of Raven as they turned to April.

"Almost as pathetic as that volcano in your Chemistry class" she added.

"Wait" Raven said with her eyes widen "You were the one who made our volcano explode?"

"Who else could of done it?" April smirked.

"Well how rude" Cameron said offended.

"No not rude, it was funny, just like how funny it's going to be when I end you guys."

But at that point Raven shot her magic at April which sent her flying and onto the ground as she and Cameron got up.

"If magic fails" Raven said "Then I'm gonna have to beat the shit out of her."

"Then go do it" Cameron said.

"I think I will" she said as she went up to April and pulled her up.

Raven then used her strength to punch April across her face as she then kicked her into a trash can.

"Wow" Cameron chuckled.

When April got out from the trash can, she pulled a banana peel off her head as she faced Raven with a furious look with blood on her mouth.

"You are so dead!" she yelled as she blasted some magic at her.

But Raven quickly shot out some magic towards April as their magic started to push against each other. The witches continued to push their magic against each other when both of their magic sent them flying back as April crashed into a ride as Raven crashed into a fun house. Both were able to get back up, but Raven felt herself fall down in pain.

"Raven!" Cameron gasped as he ran to her.

Raven laid next to a pile of mirror shard from the mirrors in the fun house with cuts on her arms and blood dripping down her nose.

"Looks like you're in a lot of pain Raven" April smirked "Making it easy for me to get rid of you."

"Not if I can stop you" Cameron frowned as he stood in front of Raven.

April gave a small laugh "You? Stop me? Oh please, you're not even a wizard, you don't have all the power to stop me."

"Shall we find out then?"

She gave a sneaky look "Alright."

And with that she created a ball of fire in her hand and threw it towards him, but he used his wand to create a shield in front of him as the ball of fire bounced off it and towards April who ducked as the fire went over her. Cameron then used his wand to send a shock at her as she fell to the ground, and before she got up, Cameron used his wand to lift up a seat from a ride and threw it at April as she just got up.

"Wow" he chuckled "Looks like you're the one who's pathetic."

"Oh yeah" she doubted "Am I pathetic when I do this?"

She held out her hand towards him as he felt a strong force grip his neck and start to chock him.

"Not so pathetic anymore huh?" she smirked as she got up while chocking him.

Cameron started to gasp for air as he felt the force around his neck get tighter.

"What's that Cameron?" April said with sarcasm "You want me to stop? Oh I'll stop, as soon as you run out of air."

All of a sudden, Raven shot out some magic at April pushing her down as Cameron felt the force around his neck go away as he gasped for air.

"You okay?" Raven asked with a worried look as she was now able to stand up.

"Not really" he said as he rubbed his neck.

"Oh that's it" April growled as she got up "I have had enough of this bullshit, I'm putting an end to this, and I know who I'm gonna get rid of first!" she yelled while looking at Cameron.

"No!" Raven screamed as she quickly picked up a mirror shard and ran to Cameron just as April shot some magic towards him.

But Raven quickly put her arms around him while holding up the mirror shard as April's magic bounced off the mirror and back at her straight into her heart.

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