17. We Refuse to Accept it

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They had all realized that their parents weren't coming back for them, but having storm say it really made it sink in. Especially since they havent talked about in in a month.

Every time the subject would even slightly come up in a conversation, they would always find one way or another to change it.

"Are we just going to give up and spend the rest of our lives confined in a cage?!" Nashi yelled. "I don't care what any of you say, I reuse to accept the fact that we're going to spend the rest of our lives in this cage."

She huffed away when she got no response and tried pulling at the bars that she could reach. "That's not going to get you anywhere," Emma mumbled softly. "You think I give a damn?! Its just a bunch of stupid bars, they're gonna haf'ta loosen up sometime. All I gotta do is keep pulling on 'em until they do. After I do that, we can all escape from this cage."

Nashi looked at them with a cheerful grin that was almost identical to natsu's. "I suppose we don't have any other choice; I don't want to stay locked up in here forever either." Rosemary started helping.

Reluctantly, storm joined in and the three of them were pulling with all their might. Emma watched their determination and, she couldn't deny that some of it was rubbing off on her. She sighed with a smile and decided to start helping them.

That became their everyday routine. After they ate breakfast, they would start tugging on the bars, hoping that they would finally loosen. No matter how much they wanted it, it wouldn't loosen.

By lunch, they would talk with Yukino for a while. After delivering their lunch, they found out that she actually stays as a guard by the door, and that it changes depending on which meal is big delivered.

For about two hours after their lunch was arrived, they would use the pencils and paper that Yukino gave them to slap notes under the door and talk with her. She would just pretend that she was tying her shoelaces or that she dropped something when people were passing by to pick up the notes.

After she did, she would write back to them and slide it back under the door. When people weren't watching, she was just do it normally.

After Yukino had to leave, the children would be trying to loosen the bars again. There were eight bars and only four of them, that meant that each of them had to try to loosen two bars each.

They would do that until dinner and when they heard the door opening, they would stop and pretend to act natural. After they ate, they would talk for a bit then go to sleep — even though it was hard with four people sharing one queen sized bed, regardless of the fact that they were five.

"This bed is so squished. How do they expect us all to fit on this thing?" Storm asked, moving his face away from Emma's feet. They slept in a way that where one person's face was, another persons foot was there.

To say the least, it was very uncomfortable.

The next day, as per usual, the four were at it again with breaking the bars. They were pulling it from all directions until a surprised laugh left Rosemarys mouth. The others looked at her to see the cause of it, but thy couldn't see anything different.

They were confused and looked to Rosemary for the answer. "Wats so funny?" Nashi asked. "I — It worked!" Was their only reply. "What worked?" Emma asked. Rosemary walked up back to the bar she was pulling at and gave it a hard push.

Almost unnoticeably, the bar moved the smallest bit.

That was all the reassurance the other three needed to keep pulling away at the bars. They would have to come off at some point, if Rosemary could move the bar — even only slightly, it meant that they were —

"Closer to getting out!"

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