5. Kidnapped

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The children (Including the spies') were watching the glaring contest the two strange adults were having. After a solid 2 minutes, Rufus finally broke out of it, thinking it was a mere waste of time.

"This is taking us no where and I have better things to do with my life than to glare at you all day." Rufus explained. "Yeah, well I could so this all day." Gray said trying to look cool, but right after, her realized how much of a loser he sounded like.

"The sad life of a once proud Sabertooth spy." Rufus exaggerated. "To think you used to be one of our best agents," he took another good look at Gray, "turned into this. It must be because of that sad, pathetic thing you and my past subordinates are clingy too; love. Love itself is a pathetic thing, it takes your mind off of things that are important; like winning, and makes you think that everything would be fine as long as you stay together." Rufus ended with him trying no to gag.

"Then you must've never been in love before. . ." Grays bangs were covering his eyes again (Which has been happening a lot recently). "Of couse not. Love is just a big waste of time." Gray chuckled darkly at his response. "Of couse you, who thinks of nothing but winning would ever fall in love. You really are perfect for Sabertooth, just like Jemmina; selfish and cunning."

"Do you even know how he got us to join any ways?" Gray made eye contact again.

". . . No. . ."

Grays chuckle stopped. "He threatened us - our friends and family too - everyone we loved or cared about, he threatened us and them. He said that if we didn't join, he would personally find them and -" he put a finger to his throat and slid it across, "- kill them." His tone darkened and flashbacks of that memory came back.

The trembling bodys of Natsu, Gajeel, himself and Jellal came into the males mind as he remembered the first time they were forced to kill someone. The blooded knife in Jellals trembling hands and the dead body in front of them all. The head was so cut, it was almost completely cut off, the arms were broken - courtesy of Gajeel - she had three other fractured bones - courtesy of natsu - and gray had to dispose of the body.

The widened eyes of the four staring at the body while Jemmina was in the background, smiling sadisticly. The blood splattered all over their clothes and the thought of their first kill still made them shiver. The four had killed their first victim but had no idea why.

At first, they thought she was an innocent bystander that somehow got tangled up in sabertooths mess. Later, however, after they finished disposing the body, they received a file on that woman. She was actually a smuggler, she specialized in bringing illegal drugs and weapons into the country.

They sort of understood why they killed her now (not that it made them feel any better); she was an illegal drug/weapons smuggler. When they continued reading the file, they found out the real reason they killed her. She used to supply 'products,' to Sabertooth, but then one day cut her ties with the and Jemmina wanted her gone.

They killed a person just because she stopped giving them weapons/drugs. What kind of sadistic person does that? Well, Jemmina does.

Later on that year, they found out that her name was Flare and she had two kids; a four year old and a five year old. They lost their mother because of some petty issues. To top it all off, Jemmina knew all along exactly what they were doing, and he was smiling throughout the whole thing.

"That master of yours is a sadistic freak, who only cares about winning. If you're weak, you get kicked out, if you're strong you get promoted. Did you know that he even made his own daughter stay out in a wolf/bear infested forest for a month, just to see if she would survive. Or, when his daughter - Minerva - was being trained by Jemminas best friend, he made her kill him, just to see if she became strong. He did it without blinking an eye."

Rufus's eyes widened just aa tiny bit, him still trying to keep his composure. He slightly shook his head, getting those thoughts away, his forced his mind to focus on winning and not on that. . . Other. . . Stuff.

He gave himself a silent pep talk in his mind while continuously glaring at Gray, while keeping his emotionless, stoic expression. When he finally finished his mini pep talk, he smirked again.

"As boring as this was, I must take my leave." He took his hat off and bowed with his hat. He stayed like that for a second  before standing up and putting it back on. In a yellowish/orangish blur, he grabbed the children and disappeared. "God dammit. . ." He mumbled to himself.

"They're fracking gone!"

A/N: in case you haven't noticed, this will probably show more of the boys from when they were at Sabertooth because in the last book, I barley added any.

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