Chapter 12

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As the buzz of the three lightsabers was the only sound filling the room,we stared our foe down.
Obi-Wan had apparently been knocked out during the time I was blacked out from those deadly lightning strikes.
I walked forwards,as did Dooku.
"I've killed Sith before"-I exclaimed.
Dooku chuckled-"And on which dream have you achieved such a feat"
"Mandalore,Darth Maul,and a peculiar assasin"-I said as I continued-"SAVAGE OPPRESS"-I screamed his apprentice's name.
He seemed a bit distraught at the beginning but he regained his footing soon,making all emotion from his face dissapear.
"Those are no Sith"-He said.
"They definitely were"-I said confidently to the old man standing in front of me.
"They did not possess the power I do"-He says as he stares at Anakin and me both.
"Let's test that"-I said as I leaped forward immediately engaging him.
He deflects the attack and pulls my lightsaber up.
I enter a struggle with Dooku as he pushes me off quickly.
Anakin jumps in and slashes Dooku.
Dooku's arm drops to the ground as he seems unaffected.
He engages Anakin as they battle.
Anakin's weapon shortly drops to the ground as it rolls a few feet away.
Anakin hesitates for a moment and the same time,Dooku and Anakin hold their hands out as the hilt titls on both sides.
I jump in front and engage Dooku,the one armed Sith Lord seems no match for me.
I quickly counter-hurt him deflecting one of his attacks and piercing him by aiming downwards,I push quickly and this push pierces the air and then enters his wrist.
I push my hilt to the side and hear a thump as his wrist falls to the ground.
I hold my hand out and his hilt jolts up to my hand immediately igniting and being a few millimeters away from ending Dooku's life.
"Good"-I hear a familiar chilly voice.
I turn and I see Palpatine?
He was talking.
"Kill him"-He tells me.
"Kill him now"-He continues.
"I shouldn't"-I say.
"Do it"-He persuades me.
Dooku looks desperately towards Palpatine.
"No"-I flatly refuse.
Suddenly both of my hands move by an inch and the two blades met,releasing a teeth clenching sound as Dooku's head falls off.
I hear a maniacal chuckle.
"Good,good"-Palpatine continues.
I look at my hands in confusion.
What just happened?
Why did I move?
"I shouldn't have done that"-I exclaim bluntly.
"No,that was the right choice"-Palpatine says.
"No,the Jedi forbid such actions"-Anakin says to me.
"He was too much of a danger to be kept alive,the order must understand that too"-The Chancellor says.
We shortly uncuff him and grab Obi-Wan and Ahsoka's bodies.
As we walk we run into a dumbfounding trap.
The now awakened Obi-Wan says-"Wait a minute,how did this happen,we are smarter than this"
"Apparently not"-I tell him as I hear clancking sounds.
Suddenly tens of Droidekas confront and surround our small group.
"Everyone,don't let them get to the Chancellor"-I say as we all get into defensive positions around the Chancellor.
The Droidekas suddenly unleash the trap and cuff our hands.
They escort us into a familiar ship.
I had hear about the invisible hand plenty of times from Obi-Wan and other Jedi who had confronted the ship's glory,and along with it,it's tyrant,Grievous.
I had never actually met the fabled 'robotic' general.
But here I was.
Heading towards him,and possibly my doom.
I wasn't gonna go down without a fight.
And a fight I would have.
To my fullest extent.
We enter the last set of doors and I look at Ahsoka.
She was walking desperately.
I wasn't gonna let her die.
Our group finally confronts the General.
My mind flies off into wanders.
Maybe I should go back to Cerine.
I miss her.
And I miss home.
Even though she isn't my real mother,I love her more than I could ever love a mother.
"AH,the great Y/N"-A very robotic voice says.
"How young you are,younger than I expected"-He tells me.
I look up to meet the robot's gaze.
He wasn't robotic.
Well he was,but not to the highest extent.
He still had eyes,sort of.
I remain silent as Grievous continues.
"Young,but impressionable"-He says-"I have an offer for you,young one"
"Join the Confederacy,and your life will be spared"
"I've killed your master and I will kill you,I stand with the Republic"-I scream out as I hold my palm out and my hilt jumps to it cutting the cuffs.
I raise my lightsaber over my head and swing it at Grievous.
He is quick to react as he dupes his two arms and with 4 lightsabers now,he charges.
I cuss under my breath as I think about my next move.
I retreated a bit and cut off Anakin's and Obi-Wan's cuffs.
I order Ahsoka to hide.
She obliges.
I leap in front colliding with one of Grievous's lightsabers and I engage him,we quickly are stuck on a struggle.
He pushes me down and I collapse to the ground.
I see a blinding light come close to my head when I suddenly backflip up.
I miraculously don't collide with Grievous at all but I'm in attack position once again.
Obi-Wan also engages Grievous and he holds his ground way better.
Then Me and Anakin jump in at the same time.
Anakin struggles to cut Grievous's arm but I do it no problem.
It was probably because I targetedone of his under-arms.
As we are all fighting Grievous more commotion ensues as Grievous's Magna Guard joins the fight.
I turn to face them.
They don't have lightsabers they have some sort of shock sticks.
They seem like underdeveloped versions of Grievous,and that thought alone makes me chuckle a bit.
I leap in front and I quickly swing at both of the droids and they are both decapitated while the third droid joins the battle.
My skirmish seems finished,but I would go to find out I was truly mistaken...

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