Chapter 1

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As a Jedi Master discusses with a Taris citizen the apartment door suddenly opens wide.
It reveals a boy.
The boy gave immense pressure to the Jedi Master as he stood up from his seat.
"Oh,good lord Y/N,what has happened to you"-The old woman accompanying the Jedi said as she stood up to tend to the bloodied up boy.
"There was a big explosion Cerine"-The boy said with a shaky voice as he let Cerine wipe the blood off his clothes.
"Ah,those sepratists be damned"-The Jedi Master said as he clenched his fist and looked to the boy.
"A lot of people died,a lot"-The boy emphasizes to Cerine as his eyes fill up with tears.
"I tried to help"-The boy continued-"But the droids,there were to many"-He explained as Cerine crouched and kissed his forehead-"It's okay"
"Cerine,who is the boy"-The Master asked the Woman as she stood up and turned around-"A boy from the southern orphanage"-Cerine said-"No parents,ever"-She continued to say to the Jedi Master as the boy walked up to stand by Cerine,he looked about 15.
"I was his mother figure I guess,but Taris is one big city so his parents might be anywhere"-Cerine continued as she clenched the boy's hand and walked up to her seat and made him sit down.
"Cerine,my dear lady,I have to tell you,the boy,he is strong with the force"-The Master said as Cerine's eyes widened.
"He never showed any sign"-Cerine said to the Master as she gulped.
"Does this mean...are you going to...take my boy"-Cerine asked as the boy jolted up from his seat and said-"No,I won't leave her"
"No.You shall be trialed at the Jedi Council"-The Master said as he started walking in circles and scratched his short beard.
"It may be best"-Cerine said as she looked towards Y/N.
"He has a high concentration of midiclorians"-The master said-"It may be the highest I've ever felt".
"With the war going on,Taris isn't the safest place he could be on"-Cerine said as she stared into the boy's E/C eyes.
"Yes,that may be another good reason,the war on Taris rages on quite violently,over 3 million have lost their lives already to the sepratists forces which have occupied the north and northwestern parts of the planet-city"-The Master monologues to himself as he looks at the boy-"I don't want him to be added into that 3 million casualty count"
Cerine nods-"Then it is decided"
"Y/N,listen to me"-Cerine said as she crouched down to meet the boy's size.
"You follow our friend,he will send you somewhere safe,you are special,very special,and you shouldn't be living in a place like this"-Cerine explained to the boy as he surprisingly accepted without much resistance.
"What will become of you"-Y/N asked as he looked to the ground.
"I'll be fine,don't worry,after all,I've only got a few years left either way"-She says to the boy in a very unserious manner.
He hugs Cerine tightly and leaves the apartment complex.
He follows the man into a ship and asks him.
"Sir,where are we going"-Y/N asks as he takes a seat.
"A planet named Coruscant,it's a bit like Taris,it's a massive city engulfing the planet,just like Taris is,so you'll get used to it"-The Master told him as the ship's engines got louder.
"What's your name anyway"-The boy asked.
"Obi-Wan Kenobi"-The Master said as he and the boy continued talking and getting closer together.

First Person POV

Almost a day passes in the ship and I sleep in one of the cold hard surface of two of the metallic chairs.
I almost get comfortable when my shoulder feels pressed.
I open my eyes slowly to see the figure of Obi-Wan.
"Come on,get up,we have arrived"-He tells me.
I slowly get up and say-"What now"-As I look to him.
"Just follow my lead"-He tells me and I oblige.
I follow him through the dense streets of Coruscant.
Speeder bikes jolt past me as my H/C loosely curly hair hurles uncontrollably.
"Keep your cool alright"-Kenobi tells me as we enter a massive building.
I nod and catch up to him.
We meet with another man.
"Hello Anakin"-Obi-Wan says to the man.
"So this is the kid"-He says as he crouches down.
"Sorta looks like me,dosen't he"-Anakin says jokingly.
"Just adds to the appeal"-Obi-Wan says jokingly too.
Me and Anakin follow Obi-Wan up to one big room which probably overlooks most of the city.
I can't confirm my suspicion as we have to be stationed in the middle of the room.
Not being able to see the view sort of budges me but it shortly passes my mind as I have to listen to more pressing matters.
"As you know,I have called for a special meeting with you all"-Obi-Wan says as I look around the room.
I see an odd green creature and it's eyes meet mine.
I smile at him and he looks at me.
'That could be a cool pet'-I think to myself as Obi-Wan says something in the background but I don't pay attention.
-the level of midiclorians the boy posses should kill the factor of age"-Kenobi says to the masters as the green creature breaks our gaze.
"A younglin,cannot be the boy,too old he is"-He says to Kenobi as Kenobi immediately counters-"Yes,that was the main problem Grandmaster Yoda,which is why...I'm taking him as my own padawan"
Yoda looked shocked for a moment but he said-"Two padawans,you cannot have,this,you have"
"Yes,which is why,I think Anakin should be tested to become a master"-Kenobi said much to some people's shock...

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