Chapter 3

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We were in the same ship heading back to Coruscant.
Me and Ahsoka were sitting near each other directly from our masters.
They were already talking about something but I wasn't paying attention.
I looked at my two lightsabers and then turned to face Ahsoka who was staring at me.
"Hey"-I said.
"What you did back there"-She said to me-"That was really magnificent"
I smiled and said-"Thanks"
"I've been training really hard"-I said.
"Oh,I can see that"-She told me as she looked around my body.

Ahsoka POV

"Oh,I can see that"-I told him as I looked around.
He was really handsome,I think,I'm not sure how to feel.
He is cool,that's what I mean.
His combat form is impressive too.
"How's Anakin as a master"-He asked me as he looked at me with his E/C eyes.
"He is a bit like you,didn't really follow orders before"-I say to him as I look to Anakin.
"I call him Skyguy,and he calls me snips,we are really close"-I tell him.
"Really,that's really cool"-He tells me as he continues saying-"Would you maybe wanna spar me,after we report to the council"
"You don't have to be there,you know,you could just let Obi-Wan go by himself"-I tell him as that's what I usually had done-"And I would love to spar you"
He seems surprised at the fact that he dosen't have to attend but then gets up and says something to Master Kenobi.
Y/N shortly returns as he is cheerful.
"Yeah,when we land,we can go to the training grounds and we'll see how we match up"-He tells me in a gleeful voice.
"I bet I can beat you"-I tell him jokingly.
He chuckles and says-"I'm courious,how was it to be a younglin"
"Well,my mother found out I was force sensitive but she was really secretive about it,then Master Plo Koon found what my mother was hiding and well,he took me back to the order and I was young enough to be a younglin so I joined the ranks"-I explain to him.
"What's your story"-I ask him.
He tells me that he didn't know his parents,but rather he was adopted by a lovely woman named Cerine who he saw as a mother figure,he didn't know where on Taris he was born as he didn't really remember.
As he ends his story the ship lands.

First Person POV

I ran out of the ship and walked with Ahsoka towards the training grounds.
We kept on talking about some missions we were on and stuff.
When we entered the grounds I saw a bunch of people battling each other with sticks.
I walked in when I was confronted by Master Tapal.
"Hello,Master Tapal"-I say.
"Back from your mission I see"-He tells me.
I nod and say-"Could we have a spar,with Ahsoka"-I specify.
He nods and says-"Just go and choose your sticks as lightsabers aren't allowed in here"
"Have you met my padawan"-He says as a red haired boy walks up to us.
"Cal Kestis"-Tapal introduces him.
"Cal,are you done with your training"-He asks him as he turns to face him.
Cal nods and asks-"Where to now"
"Well we have a mission to attend to,so be ready"-Master Tapal says as me and Ahsoka walk past them.
I choose a two pornged replica of a lightsaber and she gets two one pronged saber replicas which were actually made out of wood.
We went out to the battlefield and I said-"Will we still be friends after I beat you"
She chuckles and says-"Yeah sure"
I charge towards her as she gets in a defensive position.
I swing at her as she parries my attack and then swings her other saber attacking my side but I manage to block her attack with my other side of the wooden lightsaber.
I smirk and roll on the ground to dodge one of her attacks as she struck the ground.
I jolted up and I see her in the middle of an attack.
I blocked her attack and then swung my other side of the wooden saber,this made contact with her shoulder as she took two steps back. 
I chuckled and asked-"Three contacts"(This meant that the first to hit his opponent three times would win)
She nods and charges at me quickly.
I take a quick side step and I manage to dodge her.
She then follows my side step by spinning backwards and hitting me,she makes contact as she hits my arm.
"Good job"-I say.
"I know"-She says as she smiles.
I lunge at her and take a wide position as I throw the wooden lightsaber towards her,she parries this and I hold my hand out to the air and the weapon returns to my hand.
I jump up and then take a duck to dodge her attack,I hit her leg.
"2 to 1"-She says.
I say-"Yeah,didn't think of it like this to be honest"
She then quickly went on the offensive swinging twice to my side,I managed to parry both of her attacks,the first one was a bit more problematic but I managed.
After that confrontation I took two steps backwards and I took a leap in front.
This made me crash in with her as she fell on top of me.
We both started chuckling as we had made a small audience due to our fighting.

Ahsoka POV

I was on top of him,what was this feeling,no,oh god,was I growing attached to him,no,I just met him.
I mean he looked nice that was for sure.
His eyes were just perfect,he was nice and laid back,maybe a bit headstrong but that adds to everything,noone is perfect.
I could feel most of his body,he was chuckling,his laugh was so endearing,that made me feel different.
But the Jedi Order says no attachments,I wasn't obsessed with him,nor was I attracted to him.
He was just cool.
That's what I meant.
He was cool.
Let's settle on that.

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