Chapter 2

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About 5 months had passed since I was promoted to be Obi-Wan's apprentice.
We went on a bunch of missions which actually gave me a chance to make a bit of a name for myself,which I did.
I was known to many as 'The Second Chosen One',this name was mainly adapted to the other Jedi who I met or interacted with.
Anakin had been promoted to Master and we actually became good friends.
Speaking of Anakin,me and Obi-Wan were heading towards a mission we had with Anakin and his new Padawan.
As our ship flew I couldn't help but feel excited to re-meet Anakin,as we hadn't talked for about a month.
"I can't wait to see Anakin"-I blurted out to absolutely no one in particular.
"Yeah,you two have a lot more in common than you think"-Obi-Wan said to me as I chuckled.
"What's his padawan's name"-I asked Obi-Wan.
"You mean her,and it's Ahsoka Tano"-He said to me.
So it was a girl,I could still get along if she was my age.
"Cool"-I said as the ship stopped moving.
I jolted up and moved to look outside as the ship was barely hovering over the ground.
I adjusted the hilts of my two lightsabers as I jumped out and hear Obi-Wan follow through.
I spot Anakin as I start sprinting towards him.
I let myself lift off the ground as I jump past him.
"Nice,at least you can jump high now"-Anakin says in a joking tone.
"I bet I can impress you"-I tell him as I see a Togruta near him.
"Anyway,what's been going on"-I say to him as I get closer and fistbump him.
He starts talking about missions he had on the past month until Obi-Wan walks up to us.
"Hello Anakin"-He says.
I look to them as they start talking to each other.
My gaze is short lived however as a voice saying-"So you're Obi-Wan's padawan"

Ahsoka Tano POV

"So you're Obi-Wan's padawan"-I say to the boy staring at our two masters as I try to strike up a conversation.
He brings his eyes down to meet mine as he smiles.
His smile looks cute on him-"Yeah,and you're his"-He says as he points to Anakin in a disgusted manner-"Padawan"
I nod and say-"Yeah well he isn't really that bad,you know"
"Headstrong"-We both say at the same time as we laugh.
"What's your name"-I ask him.
"Y/N,L/N"-He says.
"Cool,I'm Ahsoka by the way"-I say to him.
He outstretches his arm as he shakes my hand and says-"Nice to meet you Ahsoka"
"You too"-I say as I feel really nice.
"How old are you"-He asks me as we sit down near some rubble.
"15,just turned"-I tell him.
"Nice"-He says.
"What's your age"-I ask him as I look sideways to him.
"15 too,but I'm turning 16 tomorrow next month"-He explains to me as he plays with some rocks which are by his feet.
He hands me one and says-"Can you throw"
"You bet"-I tell him as I snatch the rock off his hand.
I smile and he throws.

First Person POV

We played for a while.
I always threw longer than her,this was due to me cheating sometimes as I used the force to extend the distance the rock moved.
We weren't doing much so I got up and hit my robes as dust fell off them.
"Let's go and see if anything is happening,I really don't wanna miss any bit of action"-I tell Ahsoka as she joins me shortly,we walk to our Masters who seem to be speaking to one of the Generals.
-But attacking so soon is so bold"-Obi-Wan says.
"Yes,but it's unexpected"-I said as I joined the conversation.
"The sepratists are using that to their advantage"-I continue as I look towards the nice view,we seemed to be in a mountain of some sort.
There was a lake and three rivers connecting to it and a small cottage,there was a massive span of woods as well.
-get into your position,MEN"-The commander screamed out.
I followed Obi-Wan as he ordered me to hide near one of the steps,the landing zone was perfect entrenchment for us as we had spots that could save our head.
The ground would suddenly step up for about 2 meters so we had a perfect spot.
I stayed there for a few minutes as I sat down because I was so bored,Troops surrounded me as Obi-Wan stayed near me and Anakin and Ahsoka also joined us.
I was looking to the sky which was purely blue when I heard clanking sounds.
"Yes"-I said as I jumped up.
I peeked my head up just a bit as I grabbed on to a smaller ridge.
I saw a lot of Droids there.
I told them what I saw and they ordered the Troops to open light fire.
I force jumped over the step and held my hands out.
My lightsabers flew to both of my hands as I pointed the hilt of my left one backwards and the right one up front.
I smirked as I ignited both of them at the same time.
The left one had a cyanish in dark green color and the other had a blue color.
I hurled myself forwards as I struck down a bunch of the droids as their upper halves fell off and where replaced by short wires and air.
After I that first lunge I deflected a bunch of the blaster shots and then hold my hand out.
"HA"-I scream out as the droids get pushed away.
I smirk and do three frontflips and then throw my left lightsaber up on the air.
I swing with my right hand as I break a bunch of the droids which were in front of me but not the ones who had surrounded my back.
That was the purpose of my other lightsaber.
As I took the last front hit(which destroyed the central thrust of their attack)I held the palm of my left hand under my back as the heavy hilt of my lightsaber fell on it.
The hilts were quite heavy but I could manage.
I ignited the saber and the blinding cyan blade pierced through one of the droids.
Then I let go of the hilt as I closed my eyes.
I hold out two fingers and swing them left and right as all the droids get destroyed by my now floating lightsaber.

Ahsoka's POV

I looked in awe as Y/N had jumped in the middle of the batallion of droids.
I was at one point willing to join but Master Kenobi halted me with his hand.
He was,more intrigued than awestruck.
The droids fell off one by one in an amazing show of good combat and good force power showcase,I saw him at one point even move his lightsaber with the force...

First Person POV

I walked back to the group and smiled as I joined them.
"Imperessive work kiddo"-Anakin told me.
"Ye,see I told you I could impress you"-I told him.
"Droids are nothing though,try to come up against a sith lord,like try loosing a hand against Count Dooku"-He said bragging.
I laughed and looked out to the view again.

??? POV

"My master"-Tha familiar figure of Count Dooku said as he kneeled.
"We have lost another planet,I am quite sad to tell you"-He said not daring to look up.
"Bad,it shows for another dissatisfaction over the lack of your abilities to run a galactic empire"-An unknown figure said in a chilly voice.
"Another Jedi with mighty powers has joined their Order and ranks as a Padawan of the Jedi Master Kenobi"-Dooku continued staring at the ground.
"Kenobi cannot have two padawans,what has become of Skywalker"-The voice said.
"Became a master and has taken an apprentice as his own"-Dooku said.
"Who is this other 'boy'"-The voice asked.
"Y/N,L/N,a force sensitive kid originally from an unknown planet but later crash landed in Taris as a baby and was taken into an orphanage in there,my spies cannot tell me which one though"-Dooku explained.
"Another contestant for my apprentice spot it seems"-The voice said.
. . .

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