Chapter 9

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I woke up to again,a nice warm feeling on my face.
I had Ahsoka in my arms and she was sleeping calmly.
I let myself a bit loose.
'I love you' what was I thinking.
I'm breaking the Jedi Code.
I shouldn't be so goddamn obsessed with Ahsoka.
But the truth was difficult.
I am in love with her.
I think.
All I know is,I'm attracted to her,I think.
My feelings are overly mixed.
My brain is confused.
I stay in the bed as I really don't wanna leave her presence.

An hour or so passed and she finally woke up.
"Hey"-I said as she opened her eyes.
"Oh,hello"-She responded.
"What happened last night"-She said as she yawned.
"Nothing,we just kissed that time,I think"-I said.
"We should probably get up,shouldn't we"-She says.
"Yeah,good call"-I say as I get up and get dressed.
We sit down on seperate sofas and we just talk with each other.
The doors open up as Anakin walks in.
"Oh,Ahsoka,here you are"-He says-"I've been looking for you everywhere"
"What's going on"-I asked.
"An attack on the wookie world of Kashyyyk"-He said-"Me and Ahsoka are meant to head there"
"So you ready snips"-Anakin says.
"Yeah"-She screams out in excitement.
I smile and they head out.
I just goof around the room for a few hours doing nothing in particular.
That day passes by quite quickly.
I fall asleep lightly.

??? POV

"What shall be our next move,master"-Dooku asks.
"A direct attack on Coruscant,I believe,kidnapping the Chancellor would be our best move,I believe you and General Grievous can achieve this by doing a joint attack of the planet"-The hooded figure explains.
"Yes,my master"-Dooku says.
"Do not disappoint me"-The hooded figure says.
"Of course not,master"-Dooku says.

First Person POV

An attack on Coruscant?
I shall warn the council immediately.
It was late,but,still.
I ran through the hallways as I barged into Obi-Wan's room.
"What the"-He said as he jolted up-"Y/N for god's sake,I almost killed you"
"Master"-I said softly.
"What's the matter,I hope this is important,because,well,it's past midnight"-He said as he checked his clock.
"The sepratists,they plan to attack Coruscant,and kidnapping the Chancellor will be their next move"-I said.
"How do you know this"-He asked.
"The dreams"-I said.
"We must rush"-He said as he forwarded a meeting with the council.
I sat down on his floor as he went back to bed.
"We will deal with this tomorrow"-He said.
"No,the Republic's heart is at danger"-I said.
"Y/N,you do realize,you are a Jedi,not a solider of the Republic"-He said to me as he came up to look at me.

The night passed with us arguing.

We had different views upon the republic and the order's relations.

I was saying that the republic had more power over the jedi while Kenobi thought the contrary.

I slept on Obi-Wan's floor.                                                                                                                                                 NIGHTMARE                                                                                 

 This time I wasn't facing the hooded figure.
I was kneeling in front of him.
"My apprentice"-He said.
I must be on the boots of Dooku.
"What is your will,master"-I said.
"You have grown well,now,the dark side is your ally,at last"-He said.
"Rise,Y/N"-He said to me.
The sound of my name rung through my ears as my body shook.
I obliged and tried to show no emotion.
"The Empire is at peace,but there are still rebellious movements"-He said.
"A strong one,is located on my old homeworld of Naboo"-He said.
"Destroy the futile resistance,and you shall be crowned with the title of Darth at last,with your reforms,you shall be allowed to take an apprentice of your own"-He said.
"Yes,master"-I obliged mindlessly again.
What the hell was the Empire?
Why were rebellious movements?
Was this just a dream,or a vision?
Questions ran through my head as I entered my sleeping quarters,the room appeared to not have aged that well.
I walked to the mirror and looked at myself.
My eyes,they had switched their color,from the E/C ones to pure yellow...
I was in my early twenties and I was really good-looking.
Suddenly my vision got blurred and then.
I heard a voice in my head.
It called to me.
"Y/N,Y/N"-It continued as I collapsed to the ground clenching my head.

I screamed out as I woke up in real life,Obi-Wan was shaking me.
"Y/N,Y/N"-He said-"Are you okay"
I clenched mt head and shook it off.
"Yeah,better than ever"-I said.
"Do you wish to attend the meeting with the council"-He asked.
"Yes"-I said to him as I got up and followed Obi-Wan.
Obi-Wan explained to the council my ability and explained everything else.                                             

My presence was dismissed quite to my annoyance and I cussed the ground.

I got on a ship and headed for our next mission with Obi-Wan without him joining me,I flew the ship flawlessly as I headed out of Coruscant without detection.

I headed for Mandalore to face an old Sith Assassin.

When I landed I immediately felt two pressures.

I head towards them.

It leads to a massive fort sort of like a castle,I quickly jump on top of it and the door on the roof opens up.

"There brother"-I hear someone say.                                                                                                                              I turned around to face two Zabraks.One Red while the other was a darker shade of yellow.

"Hello"-I said

"Who are you"-The red Zabrak asks.

"Everyone and no one"-I said to him trying to throw him off.Today in Mandalore was pouring with rain and the sky was not blue at all."And who might you be"-I asked.

"Oh,you haven't heard of me?"-He asked me-"Once one of the greatest Sith,to ever live,now,nothing,noone,and a piece of emptiness"-He said to himself in a crazed voice,he seemed to be crazed out of his mind,like he was cut from the galaxy for tens of years and that cracked his mind."What about you"-I asked the other Zabrak."Savage Oppress,and he is my brother,Maul"-He said as he pointed to the red Zabrak who was reciting something to himself.      "And who must you be,offworlder"-Savage asked.

"No one,important to you,that is"-I said-"My orders are clear"

"The sith assassin,he is your brother,isn't he"-I said to Savage as he nodded and explained-"He used to be a great Sith Lord,but,his might was lost when he got cut in half,by the fabled Kenobi"  On the mention of Kenobi's name Maul looked at us and screamed-"KENOBI,KENOBI,where is he"-He asked."Need him,his death,it haunts me"-He said as he breathed quickly.

"YOU"-He said as he pointed to me-"Tell me.WHERE".I obviously didn't respond as I didn't want to lead this lunatic.Suddenly a red bolt jolted up to meet my chin,it made no contact nut it was as close as it could be.

"If you attack Maul,I'll kill you"-Savage said as he looked on from behind.

I ducked under Maul and slid past his robotic legs as I slid through the wet surface of the roof.

I jump up and ignite my lightsaber.

"Brother,a jedi"-Savage screams out of his teeth for his brother to join him.

"Let's get this started"-I said under my breath as Savage and Maul circled around me.

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