Chapter 5

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I leaped in front as I swung my lightsaber at a droid.
Then I turned to my left as I barely deflected a blaster shot.
I then kept on deflecting the blaster shots which were mainly concentrated around my chest.
The droid which was shooting at me was cut down by master Ki-Adi-Mundi.
"Thanks for that"-I said as he let a sly smile fall across his face.
I did a backflip and landed as I struck down a droid and quickly held my hand out as I let the force flow through me.
I pulled my hand up as a droid flew up too.
I clenched my fist and the droid clenched down too.
I then held my left hand out and the lightsaber flew up into it.
It quickly ignited as I swung left to destroy a droid.
I had to quickly deflect power shots from blasters as I was joined by 20 or so clone troopers.
They immediately shot as the droid was destroyed.
"Take light fire"-I ordered.
The clones nodded but one of them said-"We have more experience but we shall listen"
I smiled and said-"You don't have to"
As I was saying that two of the troops collapsed to the ground.
Everyone quickly turned as a major thrust of droids was attacking our position.
"Retreat"-I screamed out.
We slowly took shots while walking backwards until we found a hiding spot.
It was some good height variation for a defensive position.
I stationed the troops to my liking.
Two reserves.
5 lookouts(they were troops stationed on each side of the defensive position and would hit the droids attacking from that position)on each side of the rock formation.
So that was 12 troops quickly assigned.
The other 6 were left to lightly restrained free positions.
I advised them to scope out the situation and take out the most delicate points of the droid thrust.
The defense was going quite well.
I could see everything as I had jumped on top of the rock formation.
We took no casualties as the attacking was very efficient.
I even managed to take some droids out by either force use or lightsaber throws.
Most of the thrust was down and as reinforcements flooded our position and quickly managed to encircle the thrust the troops who were with me praised my commanding work.
As our position was now secure and we had actually managed to push past it the troops started telling other troops about my commanding prowess.
I didn't really listen as I was looking elsewhere.
I saw the main central army group of the enemies.
I took two backflips and I looked in front,I was confronted by a hell of a lot of troops.
I widened my eyes as I wondered what I was going to do.
I pulled both of my hands up.
All of the droids slowly rose up from the ground.
I was struggling to keep them all up.
I clenched my teeth as my hands felt heavier than they ever had.
I quickly closed the distance between my two hands as I closed my eyes.
I let go of the droid clinch.
I opened my eyes to a destroyed pile of droids as I breathed heavily.
I fell on my back directly on purpose as I was exhausted.
Ahsoka and Barris came towards me and looked at me.
Ahsoka's hands were on her belly and Barris just looked at me.
"Impressive work"-Barris said.
I started laughing.
"Yeah thanks"-I said as Obi-Wan joined.
"Good Work Y/N"-He said.
Anakin also joined and said-"What a way to brag"
I laughed as he helped me up.
"I'm exhausted"-I said as I sat down on a rock and looked at the battles.
I was joined by Ahsoka,Anakin and Obi-Wan with the latter preferring to stay up on rather than sit.
I stripped off my top as Geonosis felt blazing hot,the heat touched my skin and it sorta burned,I tied my top down to my legs.
"That's what you get for depleting all of your force powers all at once"-Obi-Wan said.
"Hey"-I shouted as I jumped up-"Who said I was depleted"
I stretched my arm out and saw a rock fly up.
I swung my arm towards a group of droids and it crashed,destroying them.
I turned around and said-"See"
I plunked down and looked at the battles.
After a few hours of doing nothing the masters called us to report back to the council and the senate.
Geonosis had been fully occupied by the time we arrived in Coruscant.
I slept well that night knowing that I had helped the cause of the Republic and helped the Jedi Order.
I tossed and turned a few times but that was irrelevant.
When I woke up I still felt exhausted.
I got up tens of minutes after I woke up.
I headed towards the Jedi Temple.
I met Jedi BattleMaster Cin Drallig.
"Hello,master,I am here to train"-I told him.
"Yes,go to the arena young Y/N,I shall send some Jedi Temple Guards to test you out"-He said as I had done this before and it had become almost routine for us,I was one of the few exceptions who were allowed to do this.
I went inside the arena,I took both of my lightsabers.
A Jedi Temple Guard entered the arena as he ignited his double sided yellow lightsabers.
I smiled and ignited my lightsabers.
I got into a defensive position as the guard swung twice at me.
I barely dodged these two attacks.
Afterwards I took a massive side step which made me dodge another one of the strikes.
I finally tried hitting the temple guard and I struck his lightsaber.
"You,you are weak"-He said to me.
He started verbally and morally damaging me.
We were on the middle of a struggle as he got close to me.
"Your parents were right to leave you,you were and are weak with the force"-He said.
I broke the struggle off and I got angry.
I swung at his left side incredibly fast and he barely managed to deflect the attack.
As I quickly attacked his other side he blocked barely as I took two quick swings on top he barely blocked those too as I felt he was panicking.
I dropped both of my lightsabers and clutched my hand as he started floating in the air.
He made choking sounds as I heard the arena door open.
Quickly his mask broke and it revealed a Pau'an.
He was holding to his throat for dear life when suddenly I was pulled back by master Cin Drallig.
"Come to your senses Y/N,stop it"-He screamed to me.
I was still clutching my hand but I softened it up as I realized what I was doing.
I looked to the ground as I heard the Pau'an drop to the ground and breathe heavily.
"I'm sorry master"-I said quickly and softly.
"Please,do not tell the rest of the order,no,I don't wanna turn"-I said to him.
I started collapsing to the ground as the Pau'an got up and ran after me-"No,it's okay young boy"-He said to me but it was muffled.
"It's okay young Y/N,we all have our moments"-The Master said as he put my head on his knee as I grabbed on to his shoulder.
He put his hand on my cheek and tried comforting me.
"Head back to the sleeping quarters"-He told me as I laid there,thinking about what I had done.
I was not a dark side user.
I was no sith.
Or was I.
I wasn't going to turn.

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