Chapter 31- First Date As A Couple

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Emma's POV
(unedited )

Mondays, everyone loves them, or is it just me? Yeah, I'm a weird person.
It's the second week of school and I can't wait for the next class to start.

"Hey princess." I heard someone whisper into my ear as I blushed.

"My prince." I said laughing and Adam started laughing too.

"You know, when you laugh, you can make an entire room laugh with you." He said while he hugged me from the behind.

"So, today we hand in our project, are you excited?"

"Excited? That's not really the word I was looking for, maybe, more like extremely nervous because it is half of my grade."

"It's going to be fine, relax a little, this week we'll go camping and we'll have fun." He said while massaging my shoulders.

"Yeah, relax." I said still kind of nervous.

"Hello lovers." Said Skylar as she hugged me.

"Do you really have to call us that." Said Adam frowning.

"You know, I was thinking of a ship name for you two guys."

"Skylar!" Me and Adam yelled at the same time.

"Ok, no ship name -" Said Skylar with her hands up in the air." But what about nick names?" She asked and then ran in the opposite direction from where she came.

"Sometimes she is so weird." Said Adam while laughing and shaking his head.

"Look who's talking, pizza with pineapples."

"Hey, pizza with pineapples doesn't have anything to do with how a person is."

"Well, what If I like pickles with oreos." I said while opening my locker.

"Well, that's a weird combination." He said frowning and then he started laughing.

"Again, look who's talking." I said laughing.

"Yeah, so what? We're a weird couple, is that a problem?" He asked taking my hand into his as we walked to our next class.

"Well, I was already weird when you met me so you can't say that before you got together with me you didn't know what you were getting yourself into." I said smiling.

"I always knew what I was getting myself into, that's why right now, I'm here with you." He whispered into my ear.

"Come on, the class is about to start."

"Can't we just skip it." He frowned while he said that.

"Adam, you know that I have never skipped a class and I'm not going to start skipping." I said looking straight into his eyes.

"Fine." He sighed as we entered the class.


We gave Ms. Smith our project and then we just sat there, in our seats, sending notes.

A paper ball has hit my head as I was sketching something in my notebook.

"You are the mozzarella to my pizza ;)"

I rolled my eyes as I wrote something on the back of the note.

"Nope, I'm the pineapples. :3"

I sent him the note and he shook his head while laughing silently.

Skylar saw that Adam was sending me notes so she threw a paper ball at me.

"I <3 U"

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