Chapter 26 - Confessions

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Emma's POV

I looked into my mirror at my black jeans and red hoodie that had a reindeer on it. My hair was down and my eyes were holding no emotions. My lips were trembling and I'm pretty sure that I have a migraine.

Is this how rejection feels like? Feeling like you don't want to move but the world won't stop for you so you have to pretend that everything is alright?

My arms were shaking and I had no idea why. My hands were hidden under the hoodie's sleeves. Sometimes, I just wish for my life to be normal, to be a normal teenage girl.

They are coming today. I'm still not ready to see him but if I'm lucky, no one will talk to me that much tonight. My hair looked so messy so I just took a hairbrush and started brushing my hair. I then posted a new poem on my wattpad account.

'I look in the mirror,
At a girl dressed in black.
She's staring at me,
And I'm starting at her back.

Her blue eyes,
Hold so much emotion.
Sometimes she cries,
Also, her eyes are deeper than the ocean.

She is very shy,
And she's barely talking.
She doesn't know why,
Her mouth keeps shutting.

At night she has nightmares,
And she wakes up crying.
She just wishes for a certain someone,
To stop running.

She wears hoodies all the time,
And everyone is wondering why?
She keeps pretending,
That someday she'll have a happy ending.'

I closed my laptop whit tears going down my face. I might be acting a little to dramatic buy who cares?

Suddenly, my phone buzzed and a notification popped out. It was from wattpad. It is a little weird since I don't usually get any likes or comments on my chapters there.

@CrazyAboutMyself commented on - My Poems- The Girl In The Mirror

'Whoever this person is, I think that they are way too depressed.'

I clicked on their profile and looked at their profile picture, it was a white rose. Why would anyone have a white rose as their profile picture? White symbolizes purity. Huh, their comment is not pure at all.

I decided to send them a private message, just to prove that he can't just judge someone by the way they're writing.

Me: Hi, you don't have to be that rude, some people actually have feelings, you know?

CrazyAboutMyself: I wasn't being rude, I was being honest. So, who were you talking about in the poem? You wouldn't have messaged me unless you wanted to prove something which means that you felt attacked by my comment.

Me: It's none of your business and you don't even know me so why assume so many things?

CrazyAboutMyself: I think that it was you. You wrote a poem about yourself and, well, first of all, it was pretty lame if you ask me and second of all what's the meaning behind it?

Me: Just because I used 'I', doesn't necessarily mean that it was me. There is no meaning, only words, no meaning behind them.

CrazyAboutMyself: So it was you. I can tell my the way you're typing that not only it was you but you wish it would've been someone else, don't you?

Me: Whatever, I don't need to explain myself to a stranger. You don't get to judge me since you don't know who I am, what I've been going through and how I feel.

CrazyAboutMyself: Who says that I'm a stranger? Plus, didn't your parents thought you not to talk to strangers? You're such a good girl, right? Always there for your friends, for everyone else but, what about you? What's the mystery hidden behind your words?

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