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To myself, for not giving up even after everyone gave up on me and for believing in my dreams that were shattered by the outside world.



There are moments, when you're getting to know someone, when you realize something deep and buried in you is deep and buried in them, too. It feels like meeting a stranger you've known your whole life." ~ Leah Raeder, Unteachable


I feel like the world would burst into flames if I let it breathe in my existence for even one second.

Today, is the first day of junior year, summer break is over but I'm not complaining, I'm an overachiever, so I tend to always be the first in everything. I don't have many friends, just Skylar. More friends means more attention and more attention is something that I don't wish.

Friendships are a mirror in our lives, whoever we're friends with, tells a lot about ourselves. Unfortunately, you can choose who your friends are but can't choose who you want to be no matter how hard you will try.

But, in life, I guess what really matters is, are you going to be the one that makes a difference? Or will you stand quietly on a bench and stare at the whole world with no regrets?

What is written in the stars cannot be undone.

Sometimes getting out of bed feels more like a chore than a relief. Starting a new day, with new responsibilities and more problems to overcome.

Even our neighbor's cat looks better than me... I thought as I tried not to ruin my mood right at the beginning of the day.

"Emma! If you're not coming down in 10 minutes, I will leave without you!" I heard my sister's car and started to panic, knowing that it wouldn't be the first time she's done this. She doesn't care, but, really, who does? Most people are selfish and would help others just to gain something in return.

I stared at my 5'8 figure in the mirror, my brown hair falling down over my shoulders, hiding my eyes. You could see the lack of sleep in my them.

I looked outside my window to see my sister preparing to leave. I closed the window and almost slipped as I made my bed fast, so that she wouldn't leave without me.

I took my backpack and my phone and ran down the stairs, almost tripping. I took the money that my mom left for me on the kitchen counter and ran outside. First day of school and I think I'm going to be late, great...


Is every monday suppose to be so boring and tiring? I despise mornings and I'm sure everyone can agree with me.

Sunday is just a better option for saying ' It's Monday tomorrow'. Why is school supposed to start so early? Aren't students supposed to be well rested and all that shit?

It's like school was especially made for those nerds that are used to waking up early and already having everything in their schedule checked like homework and all that stupid stuff. Me? I don't even have a schedule. I find schedules not being a necessity since I have a brain.

I looked in the mirror and brushed my hair with my hand. As I wanted to get out of my room I tripped over a bardi car or whatever those are called.

"ANNA, WHY IS YOUR STUPID CAR IN MY ROOM?!" I yelled as I pushed the small car with my foot, moving it out of my room.

I took my backpack, well, more like a duffel bag and looked outside my window to see a girl with brown hair running down the street. Huh, girls are so weird sometimes. I rolled my eyes while laughing and closed my curtains. First day and I already wish for it to be the bloody last.

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