Chapter 22: I hate spiders

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Celia's POV

"It's okay. I'll be okay here" I said to Nik who was now with Caroline in Europe. They were still trying to find a way to stop the merge from happening.

"I know you will be, it's more for myself that wants to be there with you, by your side" he mumbled a bit.

"Yes but Caroline will need your resources to help stop the merge, now I have to go my next class will be here any minute" I said as he chuckled.

"Okay. I'll call you later, I love you darling" he said as I laughed, some of the kids filled the room.

"I love you as well" I said as I hung up.

"Hello, today we will be talking about the goddess Athena and the young girl named, Arachne" I said as I showed them on the board with writing from Greek mythology. I looked to see Alyssa Chang raise her hand. I nodded as she looked confused.

"Why are learning about the Greek. I thought this was history of the world and supernaturals?" She asked as I nodded.

"Yes that is true but did you know their are supernaturals known as the spider people?" I asked as she shook her head.

"Okay then please be quiet and learn" I said as Jed chuckled a bit and she glared.

"Arachne was a shepherd's daughter who began weaving at an early age. She became a great weaver, boasted that her skill was greater than Athena's, and refused to acknowledge that her skill came, at least in part, from the goddess. Athena took offense and set up a contest between them. Presenting herself as an old lady, she approached the boasting girl and warned: "You can never compare to any of the gods. Plead for forgiveness and Athena might spare your soul" I explained as I showed them a picture from history.

"Excuse me, Professor?" I looked to see MG with his comic in hand.

"Yes MG?" I asked as he stood up and showed the class his comic.

"Could it be that this was the myth that they based off to make this one?" He asked as I walked over and looked to see he was reading about the same story I was speaking about.

"Actually yes. Thank you. You see authors use the old mythology as a way to capture you all in. As per example of MG's comic. That's how you somewhat learn an old class lesson" I said as MG smiled.

"Actually you know what, for home work. Everyone instead of reading from the textbook. Read MG's comic" I said as I waved my hand and copies of his comic was in front of everyone.

"We have to read... a disgusting nerdy comic book?" Lizzie said with disgust.

"Yes ElizaBeth" I said as the speakers went off.

"Will Hope Mikaelson, Elizabeth and Josette Saltzman come to the headmaster's office" I heard Ric speak through the speakers. They all groaned and got up.

"Don't forget your homework" I said as I handed Lizzie's, she rolled her eyes but took it nonetheless. I turned back to the class and smiled.

"Okay where was I?" I said as Jed put his hand up.

"You were talking about Arachne's downfall..." I smiled and continued with my lesson.

" "Ha! I only speak the truth and if Athena thinks otherwise then let her come down and challenge me herself," Arachne replied. Athena removed her disguise and appeared in shimmering glory, clad in a sparkling white chiton. The two began weaving straight away. Athena's weaving represented four separate contests between mortals and the gods in which the gods punished mortals for setting themselves as equals of the gods. Arachne's weaving depicted ways that the gods, particularly Zeus, had misled and abused mortals, tricking and seducing many women. When Athena saw that Arachne had not only insulted the gods but done so with a work far more beautiful than Athena's own, she was enraged. She ripped Arachne's work to shreds and hit her on the head three times. Terrified and ashamed, Arachne hanged herself. Then Athena said, "Live on then, and yet hang, condemned one, but, lest you are careless in the future, this same condition is declared, in punishment, against your descendants, to the last generation!" After saying this she sprinkled her with the juice of Hecate's herb, and immediately at the touch of this dark poison, Arachne's hair fell out. With it went her nose and ears, her head shrank to the smallest size, and her whole body became tiny. Her slender fingers stuck to her sides as legs, the rest is belly, from which she still spins a thread, and, as a spider, weaves her ancient web." I explained as I then gave them a little mini quiz to see who was understanding the lesson. I then collected their papers. I read over them quickly as I noticed Alyssa Chang's had a cheating spell all over it. I quickly sent it back to her as I showed that she didn't really write anything.

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