Chapter 16: New Professor

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Klaus's POV

"So are we going to talk about how we are mates?" I asked to Celia as she walked through the campus. Caroline would like to speak with her and her friends.

"There's not much to talk about Nik, I care for you. I'm your soulmate" she said like it was so simple.

"It's not that simple" we both said at the same time. She smirked as I glared at her.

"It really is that simple. Besides, I don't think you really care for me as this is all new" she said as blond little vampire ran to us.

"Hello, Celia, hybrid" she said as she hugged Celia and then another popped up.

"Greer, Mr. Mikaelson" she said as she handed her hand out to me, I shook it as she smiled.

"Where's Kenna?" She asked as Celia smiled.

"Kenna found a sexy man outside the grill, she will be here soon" Celia said as I felt a swish in the air.

"How was he?" Aylee asked as Kenna smirked.

"He tasted amazing" she said at that point we were in front of Caroline's office.

Celia's POV

"Okay, so I know that you will be apart of the staff. I have Miss Aylee as the professor to magical creatures, Miss Greer who as a witch and someone with many degrees in chemistry, you will be our new chemistry and magic professor, and Miss Kenna who will be assisting Ms. Featherwood in Healing 101. Miss Celia, you will permanently be taking Dorian's spot as he was just a substitute. You will be teaching the history of the world and supernaturals" Caroline said as I nodded.

"I hope you all do well and make this school proud" Caroline beamed as I heard someone clear their throat. I turned to have Nik's hand resting on my hip.

"So what am I supposed to do?" Nik asked as I cleared my throat.

"You could clean the toilets" I cracked as he squinted his eyes at me.

"Nik, you are infamous for threatening and killing those who upset you, I don't think you being a professor here is a good idea" Caroline said as he nodded and looked to me.

"Celia, don't you want me around?" he asked as I rolled my eyes. I looked at the girls who looked nervous.

"Look, why don't we go around and meet the students" Greer asked as we all quickly agree and we leave the office. Nik quickly grabbed me and held me back.

"Go on, we will meet you" I said as they nodded, Greer was hesitant, but Kenna smirked and pulled her away.

"Don't moan to loud" Kenna said as Nik jaw dropped at her and I threw the first thing I could get my hands on which was a stapler. She laughed as it banged on the door.

"What is it that you want Nik?" I asked as he just sighed, he then leaned into my chest. He was resting his head in the crook of my neck as he just hugged me.

"Nik?" I asked as I felt the soulmate spark go through me.

"I just- I don't know how to do this? How to feel, I feel happy and safe but I don't... I'm not used to that" he said as I chuckled a bit and pat his head.

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