Chapter 3: Meeting Hope

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Celia's POV

I walked into the room, I could feel a lot of pain around me. I looked to see another woman besides the girl on the bed.

"Who the hell are you?" she spat as she went to spell me but I already spelled myself to not be hurt by any other witches.

"The name is Celia, and I'm here to help Hope" I said as I let Bash out of the bag and he quickly jumped onto the bed, not waking Hope

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"The name is Celia, and I'm here to help Hope" I said as I let Bash out of the bag and he quickly jumped onto the bed, not waking Hope. He quickly sat on her stomach and slept.

"How the hell is a cat supposed to help?" this witch said as I flicked my eyes to meet with stubborn eyes.

"Guessing by your attitude, you are a Mikaelson as well?" I asked as i took out all of my stuff, putting all the candy on the table and herbs on the other.

"Freya, oldest Mikaelson" she said as I nodded.

"Hello, and Bash is a special kind of cat" I said as he meow and cuddled into Hope's stomach, bits of pink smoke went into the air, it went into Hope's nostrils instantly you could see Hope relax, no more whimpers of pain coming from her.

"Hello, and Bash is a special kind of cat" I said as he meow and cuddled into Hope's stomach, bits of pink smoke went into the air, it went into Hope's nostrils instantly you could see Hope relax, no more whimpers of pain coming from her

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"Amazing, I've only read about them but never did I think I would see an actual Neko" she said as Bash walked closer to Hope and purred in her arms.

"Yes, now how long has the hollow been in her?" I asked Freya.

"Almost 2 days, she is usually fine but her head gets migraines" she said as I nodded my head.

"Okay leave us" I said as she gets up and looks at me like I was crazy.

"I just met you and you think I will leave you alone with my niece, what just because you said you will help her?" She asks as the door opens and Marcel walks in.

"What the hell are you doing up here?!" Freya spats at him, I put my arm out to protect him of any spells.

"Don't you dare try anything, you hurt my son I will end you, now please leave" I said as I mumbled a spell, she was then thrown out of the room through the door.

"Charlie, please wake Hope for me" I said as I got all the sweets ready as well as the remedy.

"Charlie?!" Freya said more to herself.

"What's going on?" I hear a soft voice sound out, I turn around to see the girl on the bed awoken, I walk over and hand her a piece of chocolate.

"What's going on?" I hear a soft voice sound out, I turn around to see the girl on the bed awoken, I walk over and hand her a piece of chocolate

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She was beautiful, gets her looks from mother, and I guess you could say from her father as well.

"Eat this, it will help with the pain" I said as she slowly took the hershey bar out of my hand.

"Who are you?" she asked as I continued mixing the remedy.

"My name is Celia, I am a hybrid like your father" I said as she looked unsure to trust me.

"So you're a werewolf and vampire?" she asked as I shook my head.

"Something like that minus the furry wolf part" I said as I made a fire with my hand and heated up the potion.

"You're a witch, like me?!" she says with surprise. I smile and walk over to her, the potion ready.

"Drink this, it will help" I said as she nods, she knocks it back and quickly coughs out painfully.

"What was that, I feel hot and my chest hurts" she says as Marcel looks unsure at what I was about to do.

"Mother, what are you planning on doing?" he asks as I walk over to Hope and she quickly becomes unconscious meaning the potion worked. She falls as I put her in a magically hold. She follows me as I walk around collecting my stuff, Bash goes to the bag and sits inside as I pick the bag up as well. I look up to see all the Mikaelson's standing at the doorway.

"Let go of my daughter" Klaus screams as he tried to get in, but I spelled the door for no one to get through till I left the compound.

"You lied to us, you said nothing bad would happen" Elijah said as I looked annoyed at them but then again a lot of shit has happened to them, so I don't blame them.

"Relax, Hope will be better when she returns, Charles you know where to find me" I said as they all looked at him as he blushed at the little nickname I said out loud.

"I'll see you all back at my home" I said as I flash myself and Hope out of the compound.

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