Chapter 23: Election

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Celia's POV

I was walking down the halls everyone was buzzing around with new gossip. I quickly grabbed Josie by her arm.

"What's going on, everyone is in a frenzy here" I said as she looked at me, she had a bunch of posters in her hand along with a staple gun and some tape.

"We are electing student representatives for the student body since so much is going on. Dad thinks it would be good to have the students have a voice on the decisions making as well" Josie said as I nodded, I let her go and I walked to the teacher's lounge.

"Hello, ladies" I said as Greer and Aylee were there. I sat down as Alaric spoke to the teachers about how there will be a faction for the students.

"Emma will be the teacher who will be there but Celia if you wouldn't mind be there for some of it" he asked as i nodded. We were all dismissed as I walked outside to talk with Jed. When I went out I saw him talking to Yuna. A family friend if you could say. I know Yuna's father from when I helped him get out of a Hunter situation.

"Jed, Yuna please come here" I spoke to them as they looked up and smiled. Both hand in hand, Jed walked over.

"Yes professor?" Jed asked.

"I believe you will be the wolf faction?" I asked as he nodded.

"Good, remember your voice will count for your whole pack, so please consult as well with Yuna as she is your mate and will have another set of eyes on any situation that comes up" I said as he looked down to Yuna who smiled. They both smiled and Jed kissed the top of her head. Sweet love.

"I will thank you professor" he said as he nodded his head, when another pack member came up and talked with Jed. I was about to leave when Yuna held my hand.

"I'm sorry Aunt Lia, but. I have a problem I need to talk to you about" she said as she looked a bit nervous. I nodded and played a song on my phone to stop any lingering ears.

"What seems to be the problem?" I asked as she looked around.

"There is this guy, not Jed and he keeps trying to... be with me. Like saying how we are alike, not wanting this wolf gene and all..." she spoke of Rafael. The new boy who seems to be rejecting all of this.

"Yes. He seems to be upset of everything that had happened. Does Jed know of this?" I asked as she kinda nodded.

"Kinda. Rafael pulled on my hand to make me walk with him and Jed got upset but he doesn't know that Rafael keeps wanting to be with me... or at least thinks I'm on board with the whole anti wolf" she said as she fiddled with her nails. I nodded and reminded myself to talk to Ric about this. I put my hand on her shoulder and smiled at her.

"Don't worry. I will speak to Ric and we will handle it. Just be there for Jed and if you have any problems don't hesitate to come to either Emma or I" I said as she nodded and hugged me. She then ran back to Jed who picked her up, putting her piggyback and they walked back to the gym.

I walked back to the office where Ric was getting things ready, apparently another monster had come for the dagger.

"So we may have a problem" i said as he looked up from putting things in his bag. He sighed as I chuckled.

"What is it this time?" He asked as I helped him put some things in his bag.

"Well you know how Jed, our alpha found his soulmate, Yuna. My goddaughter.." he nodded.

"Well we have a certain new wolf who thinks he can change that..." he looked up and I smiled.

"Rafael?" I nodded.

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