Chapter One: Nothing Different

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Climbing out of her red Ford KA, Leslie Wright sighed smoothing out her black and blue skater dress with colour block paired with black high heel chain platform shoe boots.

The brunette chewed on her lip as she handed her keys to the valet and sighed as she headed for the front door of the restaurant; she had been set up on another blind date by her best friend and she knew that it wasn't going to end well.

Leslie swallowed nervously stepping inside and glanced around for her date, she almost sighed relieved when she spotted him waiting for her; she smiled softly as she approached him.

"Hola David," Leslie said approaching the bar where he was having a drink, she watched as he looked her up and down before he smiled at her as if he could do a runner now.

"Hola Leslie," David replied offering her his hand and shook hers, he smiled at her before she took a seat next to him so that she could wait for their table to be called; Leslie looked at him curiously knowing that her friends hadn't told her much about him.

"So Leslie... I hear that you are a physical therapist," David said starting off the conversation as she ordered herself a drink, she nodded her head as she thought about her job; she had come straight from work and had changed there since she didn't have time to go home.

"I am," Leslie said softly, she had a funny feeling that this was going to turn out just like every other date that she had ever been on; the brunette didn't know what it was but she had never been girlfriend material and all men seemed to stick her in the friend category.

It didn't take long before a hostess showed them to their table, Leslie and David had started to talk with a little more ease and the brunette was pleased about how things were moving along.

"I'll have the chicken paella," Leslie said smiling at the waiter as she ordered her dinner; she looked at her date who smiled at her before he ordered his meal then he turned his full attention to Leslie who sipped on her wine.

"So tell me more about you?" David asked resting his chin on his hand and watched the brunette, she wasn't his usually type and he was a little unsure of what he made of her.

Leslie looked at him as she tried to think of something that would interest him, her younger sister always told her that she should never be herself until she had been married for five years but Leslie didn't believe that she should hide who she really was.

"Well I am a Capricorn, I was born in London but raised here in Madrid and I support Real Madrid; I want two children and a puppy," Leslie started with a smile on her face, she had never not been herself and if anyone didn't like it then she didn't care; she wanted someone to love her for her.

Leslie was used to being dropped so easily, she was proud of her curves even if she lived in a world were being stick thin seemed to be more important than personality; she had been bullied in school for how she looked.

"Well I'm originally from Barcelona and I support Barcelona, I want three children..." David said starting to talk about himself, Leslie smiled softly trying to ignore their footballing rivalry; she knew better than to let it get in the way of their date.


"I had fun tonight," David said with a smile as he looked at Leslie as they stepped out of the restaurant, they'd had a wonderful time and the brunette was pleased with how things had turned out; she just hoped that everything was going to work out now.

"So I was thinking maybe next time we could catch a match or something?" Leslie said hopefully before she spotted the look on David's face making her realise that again that he wasn't interested in her like she was with him.

David ran a hand through his hair as he smiled nervously at Leslie wondering how to let her down gently, she was a lovely woman but she wasn't the one for him.

"I really did have a nice time tonight... but I've just got out of a long term relationship," David said making Leslie sigh, she had heard this speech dozens of times and it got boring after a while; she crossed her arms annoyed as she stared at him wondering why this kept happening to her.

"Would it be okay if we remained friends? David asked hopefully making the brunette huff annoyed before she nodded her head; she chewed on her lip as she waited for the valet to get her car so that she could just go home.


"How did it go?" Morgan Wright asked hearing her older sister return home, the brunette continued to flip through her magazines as she jealously looked at the WAGs that she so wished to be.

There were dozens of magazines and she had them spread around the living room as she looked through them, she briefly glanced up at her sister who looked completely different to her; she flashed a smile as Leslie sighed and shook her head.

"The usual... he thought I would make the perfect home girl," Leslie said annoyed moving away from the door frame and sat down on the couch so that she could take off her shoes; she rolled her brown eyes at the sight of all of her sister's magazines.

"I was thinking and I finally realised that it's time for me to get a move on and find myself a husband... you don't become a WAG to a La Liga player without putting in the effort," Morgan said cheerfully looking at her sister, she ignored the look that Leslie shot her knowing that her sister didn't approve of what she did; she never wanted an office job and knew that she was meant to be a WAG.

"Does any of this research mean that you are getting yourself a job? You live in my guest room, you lost your car because you couldn't make the payments," Leslie ranted staring at her sister annoyed, she couldn't believe that their parents kept bailing her out of financial trouble and weren't forcing her to get a job.

"You don't understand... I was never meant for a boring nine to five job, I was born to be a footballer's wife," Morgan said annoyed starting to collect her magazines; she glared at her sister wondering why she never supported her on this, Leslie always seemed to look down on her.

Leslie rolled her eyes before pushing herself to her feet and heading for her bedroom, she knew that her sister would now spend the rest of the evening moping; she couldn't understand why Morgan was so determined to become a WAG instead of focusing on finding herself a real job.

"Don't forget that we're going to a match tomorrow," Leslie shouted closing her bedroom door and set her shoes down by the door before she headed into the bathroom and started to run the bath; she listened for a moment as Morgan slammed her own bedroom door making the brunette sigh wondering why she was the only one who saw her sister's silliness.

Leslie headed into her bedroom and smiled as she looked at the tickets that were pinned to her board, she was excited that Real Madrid were kicking off their friendlies with a match at home against Málaga so that she could see them play live.

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