Chapter Nineteen: Heartbroken

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Paqui had to admit that she had been very surprised with the fact that Leslie had kept her word and come back after dealing with Morgan; she still didn’t trust the woman and she doubted that she ever would after what her sister had done.

Sipping on her orange juice, Paqui watched Leslie as she padded around the kitchen making some lunch; she had come by every day in the two weeks since Morgan had ended things and was doing her best to work around the issue.

Sergio had been devastated over what had happened and he had barely moved in the two weeks, Paqui was worried about him since he refused to speak to anyone after what had happened; he barely did anything and it truly scared her.

“Why do you keep coming?” Paqui asked setting down her glass and looking to Leslie, anyone else would have fled as quickly as possible after what had happened but there was no sign of Leslie going anywhere.

Leslie paused and looked at Paqui, she felt a little guilty about what had happened to Sergio; she wished that she could have warned him that Morgan was going to hurt him in the long run.

Sergio would have never met Morgan if it hadn’t been for Leslie, she was the one that had taken her sister to the party when she knew what she was like; now Sergio was heartbroken and the blame lay on her own shoulders.

“You always knew that this was coming,” Paqui guessed continuing to watch Leslie, she had always noticed that the two sisters were never close and she wished that she would have pushed that; she had always had a feeling that it would end like this.

Leslie nodded her head, there was no point in lying and she hoped that Paqui wasn’t going to turn her away; she wasn’t Morgan and was truly only here to help Sergio get better.

“I’m sorry,” Leslie murmured wanting to some way fix what had been done, she didn’t want to leave anyone with horrible thoughts about her family when they weren’t all like Morgan.

“Not as much as I am,” Paqui replied making Leslie looked at her warily, she had no idea what to expect right now but she had been far from welcomed back after what Morgan had done; she didn’t blame anyone for that fact.

Paqui smiled a little at Leslie, she wished that she had taken more time to get to know the woman before her; she would have been the key to making sure that Sergio wouldn’t have gotten hurt.

“I wish I could make things better, I should have said something sooner,” Leslie murmured shaking her head, she felt horrible that she hadn’t reveal her sister’s plan and now at the expense of Sergio’s happiness; Morgan had gotten away with all of it.

Paqui raised an eyebrow, she wondered how much Leslie knew about what her sister had done; she could only imagine what was going through the younger woman’s head.

“Why didn’t you?” Paqui asked curiously, she could see how guilty Leslie felt and she knew that it could have saved a lot of heartache if she had warned them all.

Morgan clearly thought that what she had done was perfectly normal and Paqui hated the woman with a passion; she was a gold-digger that clearly had been spoilt to much as a child, it was almost hard to think that she and Leslie were sisters.

“It’s hard,” Leslie murmured looking away from Paqui, no one had ever really believed her about her parents and their favourite child; she had gotten used to being told that she shouldn’t be jealous of Morgan and should be proud of her sister.

Paqui took Leslie’s hand in comfort, she wanted the woman to speak up so that she knew what to expect now.

“Morgan has always been the favourite child… she’s my madre’s favourite,” Leslie said a little bitterly, it was a fact that she had never gotten used to and she hated that her sister always got away with things like this.

Paqui nodded her head, she wasn’t even surprised at the news and she could tell that Janice had spoilt her youngest daughter a little too much and it had led to the woman that had broken Sergio.

“She always got what she wanted and I had to work for what I wanted,” Leslie murmured with a frown, she had no idea why Janice had always favoured Morgan and it had used to hurt Leslie when she had been a little girl.

Paqui was silent as she listened to Leslie talk, she had never favoured any of her children and had taught them all to work hard for what they wanted out of life; she could never do what Leslie and Morgan’s parents had done.

“They paid for all her things and she’s never worked a day in her life,” Leslie continued looking at Paqui, she had no idea why she was telling her all of this but it felt nice to talk to someone who truly didn’t favour her sister in some small way.

Paqui shook her head, she wished that she had known this sooner and she couldn’t believe that Janice and Lloyd had left Morgan so unprepared for the real world; what would happen when they passed away and she had no one to pay for everything.

“My madre told me that as a family we should help Morgan,” Leslie scoffed with a shake of her head, she should have turned and run when she had the chance and never looked back.

Leslie had cut her mother and now her sister from her life, she didn’t need them and she was sure that it would be okay; she would be so much better without them.

“I wish that I could fix all of this,” Leslie said looking down at her hands, she had never wanted anyone to get hurt but none of that had ever mattered to Morgan as long as she got what she wanted.


Sergio stared at the ceiling, he had no idea what to think of the fact that Morgan had left him; it still seemed so unreal and he hated that it had been two weeks since he had seen her.

Closing his brown eyes, Sergio wished that he knew what had made her leave since he couldn’t bring himself to believe that Morgan had left him willingly; she had loved him and he was sure of that.

“Sergio,” Paqui called through the door, she had stayed far longer than Sergio expected and he had no interest in talking to her; he wanted to be left alone to mope around.

Sergio was also aware that Leslie was still hanging around, she often left food outside of his room for him but he wasn’t hungry; he had a feeling that she only stayed because she felt guilty.

“Iker’s on the phone,” Paqui murmured through the door, she hoped that his friends would be able to help him in some way; he was pushing everyone away and she feared what was going to happen if he didn’t come out of this.

Sergio moved to turn the television up, he had no interest in speaking to anyone right now, everyone had want he wanted and now that Morgan was gone he doubted that he would ever move on.

Sergio peeked at the door, he didn’t have to be able to hear that his mother was still outside; he had no intention of getting up and he hoped that she would leave him alone.

Nothing made sense to Sergio anymore, he had been so sure that Morgan would stay with him no matter what and her note had given no real reason on why she had decided to leave; he could only hope that she would one day come back to him.

Paqui sighed before apologising to Iker, she wished that she could snap Sergio out of this and she hoped that by letting Leslie stick around that it would happen; she had a good feeling about the older Wright sister.


Author's Note:

In case you didn't know today is Sergio's 29th Birthday... so Happy Birthday Sergio!!! xxx

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