Chapter Twenty-Two: Surprise Attraction

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Sergio wiped the sweat from his face as he moved to sit down, Leslie had been working him hard over the last two weeks and he had barely had a moment to relax when she wasn't ensuring that he was doing work on his leg. 

Leslie was pushing him to do his hardest to recover, she was trying techniques to make sure that Sergio could recover in time for the approaching season. 

Sergio ran his fingers over the supported knee, he knew that this wasn't going to be easy and Leslie was doing everything that she could to help him get better after what had happened. 

"How's the knee feeling?" Leslie asked walking back over to Sergio, it had been a long couple of weeks and she was sure that it would get better with time; every day his leg was getting stronger and it wouldn't be long before he could play again. 

Sergio looked at Leslie as she moved to sit down next to him, he was still surprised that she was so insistent on helping him recover; he would have thought she would have been long gone with her sister. 

"Sore," Sergio replied smiling at Leslie, he was glad that he had her right now; anyone else would have given up on him and let him wallow after what had happened. 

Leslie nodded her head and sipped on her water, it had been a long day and she was glad that they were done; she was just looking forward to relaxing for a few hours now. 

Sergio watched Leslie, she was doing so much for him and he had no idea how to thank her for what she was doing for him; she was here in Seville with him and yet she hadn't spoken to her family since they had arrived there. 

"Why did you stay?" Sergio asked softly, his brown eyes staring at Leslie and he wondered if Morgan had something to do with it; he was curious and he had a feeling that Leslie knew where her sister was. 

Leslie stared back at Sergio, she had never really thought about why she hadn't asked to be replaced by her boss; she guessed that she had never liked the idea of giving up on someone once she had started working on them. 

"Would you prefer me to leave?" Leslie asked raising an eyebrow at Sergio, she also felt a little guilty for what had happened between him and her sister; she was the reason that the two had met. 

Sergio shook his head, he couldn't imagine what he would do without her right now; he would have still been sulking back in bed in Madrid letting everything slip away from him. 

"No," Sergio admitted with a shake of his head, he didn't know what he would have done without her and he knew that he was lucky to have Leslie with him now. 

Leslie smiled a little before she got to her feet and walked away, she wanted to shower and she was sure if Sergio needed anything then he would call her. 

Leslie walked out of the home gym where they had been working, she was sure that Paqui would be thrilled to hear about the progress that had been made in the past two weeks. 

Sergio watched Leslie leave, he ran his fingers through his damp hair and sighed before getting to his feet; he had no idea what was going on right now but he was getting closer with Leslie. 

Sergio had resisted the urge to ask Leslie about her sister, he was still hurting from losing Morgan and he knew that if she had cared then she would have stayed with him. 

Morgan would always hold a piece of his heart but Sergio was going to move forward with his life and forget about what had happened for his own sake. 

Leslie was doing wonderful work on his leg and she was doing so much for him since she had come into his life; it made Sergio thankful that he hadn't walked away after meeting her at the petrol station.


Leslie sighed in relief as she dropped down onto the couch, she was happy to relax and she knew that it wouldn't last long but she was going to enjoy it while she could before she had to get back up. 

Leslie stretched and flipped through the channels on the television trying to find something good for her to watch; she had no idea how she had been able to find herself some time to relax. 

Sergio's rehabilitation was taking up most of Leslie's time as she researched ways to help him recover and return to playing for Real Madrid again; she was determined not to give up on him and she hoped that her work would pay off. 

"What are we watching?" Sergio asked padding into the living room, he had no idea what to do with himself right now and he knew most of his friends were busy with their own lives; he hadn't been much company for any of them since Morgan had left him. 

Leslie turned to look at Sergio and paused when she spotted that he was topless, she blinked surprised for a moment and tried not to stare as she admired how good the man before her looked. 

"I was actually hoping to catch up on the latest episode of Game of Thrones," Leslie replied getting a hold of herself, she wasn't going to fall into that trap and she knew that there was nothing going to happen between them. 

Sergio was clearly still very in love with Morgan and he would never want anyone like Leslie anyway; she wasn't his type and she had accepted that a long time ago. 

"I haven't seen that yet," Sergio mused moving to drop onto the couch wearing just a set of grey sweatpants, he rested his leg on the coffee table and looked at Leslie curiously. 

Leslie stared at Sergio, she felt a little uncomfortable sat next to him when he was dressed like that; she wondered if she should ask him to put a shirt on or something.

"The episode?" Leslie asked looking away from Sergio to focus on finding the episode on the television, she had recorded it since they had gone for a job late the night before and she had missed it. 

Sergio watching Leslie with a smile, she looked nice in her navy printed top and skinny jeans; he couldn't remember the last time that he had been so relaxed in his own home. 

Morgan was always so dressed up and Sergio had never been able to just laze around his own home, she always wanted to go out to some expensive restaurant or to some hip new club. 

"No Game of Thrones," Sergio replied leaning back on the couch, it was nice to just relax and he was glad that he had a friend like Leslie; she made him feel normal instead of just some footballer that everyone knew.

Leslie stared at Sergio shocked, she couldn't believe what she was hearing and she wasn't sure if he was joking or not right now; Game of Thrones was one of the biggest shows on television right now. 

"What?" Sergio asked at the look that Leslie gave him, he wasn't sure why she looked so surprised at the fact that he hadn't seen Game of Thrones; he was sure that it was just some fad that was going around anyway like Doctor Who or How I Met Your Mother. 

"Have you been living under a rock for the past three years?" Leslie asked stunned that he hadn't even tried to watch the show, it was like marmite you either love it or you hate it. 

Sergio shook his head, he smiled at how annoyed Leslie looked before she changed what they were watching and moved back to the first ever episode of Game of Thrones. 

"Okay we are going to watch the entire show," Leslie announced before getting to her feet and going to get some popcorn, she was sure that by the end of it that Sergio would love it. 

Sergio watched her leave and smiled to himself, he had a feeling that she wasn't be going to be letting this go anytime soon.

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