Chapter Twenty-Eight: Keeping Secrets

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Leslie took a deep breath as she sipped on her coffee, she peeked at the clock and tried not to groan; today was the opening match of the season and she knew that Sergio had made the starting eleven. 

Leslie felt so proud of him and she knew that this was what he wanted, the last two months had been strange for the couple and Leslie still couldn't actually believe that she got to call Sergio her boyfriend. 

The couple were keeping things quiet since they didn't want to advertise their new relationship, they knew some people weren't going to be happy about Sergio dating Leslie especially after he had been engaged to her sister. 

"Would you stop looking at the clock," David muttered shaking his head and sitting down next to Leslie, he was happy that she was back working in the hospital especially after being gone for months. 

Leslie sighed trying not to look at the clock again, she would have loved to have been at the match but she had been put on a late shift and would have to watch Sergio play from the hospital instead. 

"Stop teasing her David," Cheyanne Davidson warned sitting down at the table, she smiled at Leslie knowing that this wasn't easy for her; she had spent months doing what she liked and now she was stuck back in her boring shift job. 

Leslie smiled back at her, she had no idea what to make of everything that was going on; she wanted to share with her friends what was happening in her life but she knew that she couldn't. 

Leslie sipped on her coffee and peeked at the clock again, she couldn't believe that she still had to wait a few more hours before the match started; she was annoyed that she couldn't be there but there was nothing she could do about it. 

Cheyanne watched David move away sulking before she turned her attention to Leslie, she had missed seeing her friend around the hospital and she was glad that she was back.

"So come on... what was it like working with Sergio Ramos?" Cheyanne asked smiling at her friend, she was dying to know what had happened while Leslie had been practically alone with the footballer. 

Leslie sipped on her coffee and looked at Cheyanne, she wasn't sure what to say to her friend but she knew that things had changed since she had started to work for Sergio; she was his girlfriend now and she didn't want to give too much away. 

"It was great," Leslie replied simply, she smiled at Cheyanne knowing that the nurse wouldn't be sticking around for long; she liked her friends but she had no intentions of letting slip that she was now dating the footballer. 

Cheyanne stared at her friend, she was sure that there was something going on and she wished that Leslie would just tell her; if it had been her working with the footballer, she would have been gushing to everyone about what had happened. 

"That's it. It was great," Cheyanne stated with a frown, she didn't believe Leslie for a moment and she wished her friend would open up about what was going on. 

Of course, Cheyanne understood that things would have been awkward especially since Morgan had dumped Sergio on his ass and fled to Italy where she had been pictured more than once getting cosy with Mario Balotelli but that didn't mean that Leslie had to suffer. 

"It was a wonderful experience, what else can I say?" Leslie asked shrugging her shoulders, she finished off her coffee and moved to set the cup in the sink so that she could finish up the next part of her shift before the match started. 

Cheyanne watched Leslie with a frown, something had very clearly happened and she wasn't giving up until she knew what it was.


Leslie sat down on the couch and stared at the television, the room was crowded and most of the staff had gathered together to watch the opening match of the season; she smiled softly at the sight of Sergio with his kit on. 

Leslie loved how happy Sergio looked and she was sure that he would do so well, this was so big for him and she was sure that he would be perfectly fine after his injury; she had done so much work with him to get him ready for this moment. 

Cheyanne was sat next to Leslie, she stared at her friend noting the smile on her face and she didn't quite understand it; she couldn't work out what had happened while Leslie had been with Sergio. 

Leslie ignored the tense look on her friend's face as David handed her a drink, it was sort of a tradition that the hospital staff all gathered together when they were on shift to watch Real Madrid play. 

The match kicked off and everyone quickly got into the game, they watched the team knowing that this could be a good season for them; they had been without one or two of their main players last season and now they could do some damage. 

Leslie chewed on her lip watching Sergio closely, she didn't want anything to happen to him and she hoped that he would be careful; she wasn't sure what she would do if he ended up being hurt again. 

Cheyanne sighed sitting back in her seat, she wasn't going to let this go until she knew what was going on with her friend; there was something different about Leslie and she hoped her friend hadn't gone and done something stupid. 

Cheyanne knew that things weren't easy for Leslie, her mother always favouring Morgan had pushed the older Wright sister out but she didn't want Leslie doing something that might only end up with her being hurt. 

Cheyanne looked at the television, she had to work out what had happened between Leslie and Sergio; she didn't want to see Leslie hurt and she had a feeling that it was going to happen if Sergio was involved.


Leslie smiled watching Sergio celebrate with his team-mates, she got to her feet and stretched knowing that she just had to finish her shift before she went home and called her boyfriend to congratulated. 

Leslie ran her fingers through her hair before she moved to leave the staff room, she watched people talk about the match and she doubted that this season would end badly for Real Madrid this year. 

"So what are your plans for tonight?" Cheyanne asked following after Leslie quickly before her friend had a chance to disappear, she knew that something was going on and she wasn't going to drop let it go. 

Leslie stopped and looked at Cheyanne, she didn't know what was going on with the nurse but she guessed that there was a reason that she was acting so odd; Leslie had only been back at work a couple of weeks and she was sure that things would work out just fine. 

"I was planning a quiet night in," Leslie replied not wanting to share the fact that she was expecting a call from Sergio; she smiled at Cheyanne hoping that it would be enough to put her friend off the scent of anything going on. 

Leslie was sure that Cheyanne would work out that she was hiding something from her, she didn't want to share with anyone that she was dating Sergio; a lot of people would think that it was a bad idea since he used to be engaged to her sister. 

"Great I'll join you," Cheyanne announced it would give her a chance to try and find out what was going on, she smiled at Leslie and walked away before her friend could turn her down; she wanted to know what was going on and what Leslie was hiding from her.

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