Chapter Twenty-Three: Turning the Table

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Sergio jumped at the sound of Leslie sneezing, he turned to look at her and frowned seeing her sniffling and blowing her nose; he stopped his work out and stared at the brunette knowing that this wasn't a good sign.

Leslie had been sneezing all morning and he knew that if she was ill then she was better off in bed, things were going so well and he could handle training without her for a while.

"Why don't you go back to bed?" Sergio murmured getting off the bench and walking back over to Leslie, she had done so much for him and he didn't want her making herself worse.

Leslie shook her head, she had no idea why she was feeling down right now and so stuffy; she brushed her fingers through her hair and looked at Sergio.

"I need to be here," Leslie insisted blowing her nose, she shook her head and wondered why she had to be the one that caught a summer cold; she felt warm and she knew that she had to stay with Sergio to supervise.

Sergio sighed walking closer to Leslie, he rested a hand on the top of her head and frowned at how warm she was; she was clearly unwell and he doubted that staying up would be good for her.

"You're warm," Sergio murmured shaking his head, he gently started to usher Leslie out of the gym knowing that it would be better if she went back to bed; he could handle things while she recovered and he was doing so much better.

Leslie opened her mouth to protest but stopped when she saw the look on Sergio's face, she frowned there was no way that she was going to get what she wanted.

"You've looked after me... it's my turn to look after you," Sergio insisted knowing that he wouldn't have gotten to this point without her and the last four weeks in Seville had been good for him.

Leslie was an important person in his life now, she had been there for him when he needed someone and she hadn't put up with his crap.


"You don't have to do this," Leslie murmured padding back into the bedroom after changing out of her work-out clothes and into her floral print pyjamas; she sniffled hating the fact that she was ill.

Sergio rolled his eyes and signalled for her to climb into bed, he was determined to look after her now that she was ill; he didn't like the idea that she wasn't well after everything.

Leslie climbed into bed and pulled up the covers, she was surprised about how much he wanted to look after her; she didn't know why he was being so insistent but she guessed that it couldn't hurt to let him look after them.

"Now I'm gonna make you some soup," Sergio said making sure that Leslie was tucked in, he wanted her to get better and he knew that without her then he would be stuck.

Leslie nodded her head looking around the table at the things that Sergio had gathered for her, there was a box of tissues on the bedside table along with some cough sweets and a bottle of Lucozade.

"You stay here," Sergio ordered sternly before handing Leslie the remote for the television, he wanted her to get better and the only way that was going to happen was if she rested; he had no idea what he would do if it got worse.

Leslie nodded her head watching Sergio walk out of the room, she blew her nose again and snuggled down in her bed; she turned on the television and flicked through the channels trying to find something to watch.

Leslie settled on some cookery show, she felt tired and she doubted that Sergio would let her do anything while she was sick.

Leslie didn't have to wait long before Sergio came back with some soup, she couldn't smell what it was but she was sure that it would be nice; she felt her stomach grumbled since she hadn't had any breakfast.

"Here we are," Sergio announced gently setting the bowl on the bedside table, he moved to get himself a chair and set it by the bed; he was going to feed Leslie so that he could make sure that she ate the soup.

Leslie furrowed her brow, she eyed the soup and she tried to work out what it was; she couldn't smell anything and it was starting to annoy her.

"Butternut squash soup," Sergio said moving to spoon the soup, he blow on it before moving to feed Leslie who glared at him; she was perfectly capable of feeding herself no matter how ill she was.

Leslie crossed her arms and glared at Sergio, she had been looking after herself for years when she was ill and she didn't know why he was being so stubborn about this.

"Just humour me," Sergio murmured not giving in, he wanted to look after Leslie and he was sure that in a couple of days she would be fine to return to training with him.

Leslie pursed her lips for a moment before she sighed realising that she wasn't well enough to argue, she opened her mouth allowing Sergio to feed her the soup.

Sergio smiled carefully feeding Leslie, he couldn't remember the last time that he had done this but it had been for his niece; Morgan had never wanted feeding not even in the romantic sense.

The two were silent as Sergio feed Leslie the soup, the tension that filled the air was pleasant and Leslie couldn't help but feel odd about having Sergio look after her while she was ill.

Sergio was a friend and Leslie had a feeling that she was going to have to deal with that, she doubted that he would ever see her as anything more than his physio and Morgan's older sister.


Paqui sighed looking around her son's home, she had come to visit him since she was pleased to hear that he was doing so much better; she was so happy that Leslie had been able to help him.

Paqui frowned not finding her son or Leslie, she knew they had to be home since she had seen the car out front; she doubted they would have gone far without it with Sergio still injured.

Heading upstairs in an attempt to find her son or his physio, Paqui wondered what would happen when it came to Sergio returning to football; she had a feeling that it wouldn't be long before Morgan returned.

Paqui had no idea what would happen if Morgan did come back when Sergio returned to playing, she hoped that her son wouldn't be a complete idiot and take her mind.

Not finding any sign of her son in his room, Paqui padded along the hallway to the room where Leslie was staying; she frowned seeing it shut over slightly and quietly pushed it open.

The sight that greeted Paqui made her smile, she stared at the sight of her son sleeping next to Leslie's bed and the brunette sound asleep; she spied the medicine on the side that told her that Leslie was ill.

Paqui watched them for a moment before she backed out of the room and closed the door after her, her eyes catching the sight of the two holding hands while they slept; she grinned knowing that her son didn't realise it but Leslie was perfect for him.

Paqui silently walked away, she adored the idea that Leslie could be the one for her son; she wanted Sergio to be happy and she had no idea why he hadn't realised it before.

René had told her about how Sergio had met Leslie first, he had liked her before he had even met Morgan and he had thrown that away because Morgan was a little more attractive than her older sister.

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