"You the best!" I sang.

"Love you."

"Love you more." I smiled when I heard her scowling through the phone. We hung up and I turned to see Kol's face looking amused.

"Fighting with your brother?"

"No, I just have to say that..."

"Right....the whole Gilbert ring thing." Kol nodded.

"Yeah, Jeremy doesn't want me near Alaric since he kidnapped me."

"I see."

There was silence before Kol's phone went off. He turned it to face me. I squinted reading the name 'Bek-whore' and scowled at him.

"Bekah, darling, what can I do for you?"

He smiled, his eyes flicking up to me.

"I can help with that, but it will have to wait, I am currently indisposed of at the moment. Is it urgent? Then I will call you when I am free."

He hung up.

"Bek-whore?" I asked with a narrow of my eyes.

Kol shrugged and then grinned.

"I like it. She hates it."

"I can see why." I scowled again.

"Would you like me to change it?" he asked.

"Yes! It's not nice calling a woman a whore."

"Fine......I will change it back to Bekah. You kill my fun Jordan Gilbert."

"Good, Kol Mikaelson." I retorted. 

Bonnie and I were finally leaving the Mikaelson Mansion, she leaned on me as we walked out the double doors. I gasped when spotting Kol standing out the front, with a black jeep.

"I will accompany you both back since I am needed that way."

"Why?" I asked.

He just smiled at me and I rolled my eyes.

"We can't trust him." Bonnie said. I paused and turned to her.

"Kol isn't going to hurt us." I reassured her.

"It's Kol." Bonnie replied.

"Kol can also hear you." Kol added.

I turned to him with a scowl and he looked amused. Of course, he would find this rather amusing. I sighed.

"You barely have strength to walk the whole way home." I argued.

Bonnie looked at me and then nodded. I helped her into the back seat about to climb in when Kol's hand shot out, grabbing my wrist and spinning me to him.

"Jordan?!" Bonnie shouted.

"I'm ok." I quickly said.

"I need directions, darling." Kol smiled. I blinked and slowly tried to take deep breaths in. He opened the passenger door for me, I climbed in and buckled in. I turned to Bonnie who narrowed her eyes when Kol jumped into the driver's seat. Half an hour later of a very awkward card ride, we were a street away from Bonnie's house. She didn't want Kol to know exactly which house was hers. He didn't seem to care, he shrugged before smirking at me to text him, winking and then driving off.

"You and Kol?" Bonnie asked.

"Not bloody likely. He was told by Klaus to get you some motivation and asked if I would offer myself. I agreed, wanting to keep Jeremy and Elena out the loop."

I sighed; I would tell Jeremy tomorrow that I had gone to the Mikaelson's but that's tomorrows problem. As we walked, the cool air brushed against my face and I felt myself smile. I felt good. There wasn't any burning sensation in my body, there wasn't an irritated feeling either.

"I thought you didn't want to be apart of this." Bonnie stated and I sighed again.

"I don't but I feel like I don't have a choice anymore. Between Elena getting kidnapped everyday and Jeremy dying, I was bound to be brought in."

"You don't have to get involved in everything.....I don't." Bonnie shrugged.

"I won't.... besides, we still have school." I groaned.

"I know."

We both laughed as we kept on walking until we reached Bonnie's house. We walked in, saying goodnight before going our separate ways. I texted Jeremy just before going to bed, I laid down, starring at the ceiling. My mind drifting to Kol. I sighed. I had to talk to him again.

The Gilbert Twins (Kol Mikaelson)Where stories live. Discover now