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to be relieved of my crimes
is appealing to me.

to forget the harsh things i've said,
to forgive myself of my ignorance,
to relieve myself of the pains i've carried
across continents.
the pains that persist
across the dimension of time.

i can't forget.
i can't forgive.

i can't empty my palace of nightmares
where the ghosts of my anger
my loneliness
dance through the darkness until the never-coming dawn.

i want these ghosts to wither.
to be thrown off this balcony and fall into the everlasting ruins of darkness it craves to shower me in.
to drown in the salty waterfall it wishes upon me at night.
to shatter like the memories and mementos
that lost their sentimentality.
to fade like the seconds
it has stolen.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2020 ⏰

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