Start from the beginning

"You idiot, I already did that. I was supposed to meet them last month but I kept on postponing the meeting. And now Amber said that if I don't go on Saturday, she'll break up with me." He crouched down on the bench.

"You just have to go." Asher said and the other boys agreed.

"How was it for you when you went to  meet Scarlet's parents?" Drake asked.

"Well, her mom was super nice and welcoming, telling me not to call her Mrs. Miller and I should call her Cece which is her first name. And she started calling me her son and all.." He said and they went all awwwww.

I hissed as I shook my head.

"What about her dad?" Wes asked.

"Mr. Miller." He scratched his head. "Well, he was, hostile, and even his handshake, yeesh! He almost cracked my bone. Till now, it still hurts." He hand his right hand.

"Why do they always do that handshake stuff to us?" Lyon said.

"At least yours was just a handshake." James chuckled. "Kira's father was like, "Let's go for a ride." And I was like OK, not knowing what he had installed for me. The way he drove, oh my God, it was like he wanted to put us in an accident or something. We arrived at his warehouse and I was confused at first until he took me in. The first thing I saw where dogs, big dogs, actually beasts! German Shepherd, Bulldogs, you name it. And worst part was that they were all unchained. One almost bit me but thank God he stopped it. Not only the dogs but there were able bodied men with guns around the area shooting me glares. We entered the warehouse and lo and behold, the whole place was filled with guns of different kinds. He was like "Do you know why I keep these guns?.......I keep them in case if anyone tries to hurt and even touch my little bebita, I will use my guns and shoot their stupid head. BOOM! And they will die, just like that!"

"Wow." Drake's eyes widened.

"That is, wow." Jake said. "Thank God for me, I knew Tania's father before they gave birth to me." He laughed.

The other boys told their experiences and Drake got more frightened.

"What is even the essence of meeting their parents. It's just a waste of time." I said as I put my hands in my pants pockets.

"Idiot. You do that to show to her parents that you really like and care for her, possibly even love her. It is to show both her and her parents and that you're serious about the relationship." Jake, the love doctor said.

"Really?" I furrowed my brows. I did not know that.

"Of course you didn't. Fool." Drake said angrily as he rolled his eyes.

"So wait, you were never planning on meeting Gabriella's parents?" They all said simultaneously.

"Yeah, I never planned it. Is it bad how I don't want to meet them?" I asked.

"You're just scared." Asher said.

"But seriously bro, meet her parents, don't be a coward like me. Show her that you're truly in this for her." Drake said and put his hands on my shoulders. "If you care for her, you would do it." He patted my head like I was some puppy, I was kinda offended by his act.

"Maybe I should actually do it." I said. "Thanks guys." I said to them. "Oh and good luck with Amber's parents. And by the way, when will you introduce her to the family?" I gesticulated to my family plus his family and Jake and Wes' family.

"After I deal with the Marks." He said and we laughed.

I can't believe I'm meeting her mom.


"What's wrong?" I said as I saw he's been quiet throughout today.

"I need a hug." He sighed.

Okay there's something wrong.

I rushed to him on his white couch. We hung out everyday in his house after school before he drops me home.

I sat on his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck while he snaked his arms around my waist. His head was buried in my neck as he placed soft kisses there.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I raked his hair with my fingers while enjoying his sweet gesture.

"I'm just tired. Practise has been really tough these days." He said. "You know, Homecoming and all." He looked up and gave me a weak smile.

"Awww, you should rest, you know. And I've been tell you you're stressing your body too much, you don't want to fall ill on homecoming, do you?" I traced my fingers on his face.

"I know, I know and I don't." He buried his face again. "We haven't been having time for ourselves lately right?" He asked and I agreed.

The past few days, he's been so busy with football and all. Yeah, we've been hanging out but it's not as how it was before. Basically I just have like a hour to spend with him before I go back home, before we would be together almost throughout the day.

"Sorry. I promise after the homecoming, I'll fully concentrate on you, only you." He looked up at me then kissed me. His lips transferred to my jaw lines were his tongue played there. His mouth hovered on my neck column and I moaned.

But then he stopped and stared at me. "I need to tell you something." He said and I got worried.

I stood up from him and shifted back. "You want to break up?" I asked with my breathing getting rapid.

"No...of course not. I would never." He shook his head. "Gabriella..." He was finding it hard to say what's on his mind. "I uhhh, I think it's time I meet you Mom." He said and my eyes widened as my jaw dropped to the floor.

He's kidding, isn't he?


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