Chapter 33-Hua Jian is a Traitor?

Start from the beginning

The path the two had taken widened up and they came upon a large clearing. The pathway had broken off into four. Xiu Xiang didn't slow down one bit as she took the third pathway from the right.

"My lord?" Hua Jian looked rather reluctant. She knew he could sense the dangerous aura seeping from the path that had been picked. Finding it strange that Hua Jian would freak out now, she gave him a look over. Before, no matter how dangerous the situation, Hua Jian would never cower. It was weird seeing him look like this now. She shrugged off the thought. She was already so close and didn't have time to linger her thoughts on anything else.

"It's the fastest way to get to the Demon King's soul," Xiu Xiang replied. It was true. Where the dangerous aura seeped from, it belonged not only to the guardian beast that protected the cave, it also belonged to the Demon King.

Xiu Xiang no longer needed to create a fire with her hand as the tunnel grew brighter and brighter. The pathway came to a dead end. They stood at the edge of what once might've been stone steps but it had been destroyed. The two looked down to see a massive glowing red rock, the size of a person, wrapped up in golden chain and pinned against the rock wall. A large snake like beast with a large snout laid asleep in the middle of the room.

"A dragon?!" Hua Jian cried.

The golden red scales on the dragon glowed brightly lighting up the room. As if sensing the two of them, the dragon's head looked up in their direction. It roared loudly at them, then spat a large fireball at them.

Hua Jian was going to shout 'watch out', only to realize that Xiu Xiang was far ahead of him. She pushed him off to the side and slapped the fireball away with her hand. The fireball blasted against the cave walls causing the room to vibrate madly.

When they were going through the cave, Xiu Xiang had been absorbing as much energy as she could. She was able to gain a massive amount of extra energy but just that slap alone zapped away half the energy she had sucked up.

"You want to test out who's fire is stronger?" Xiu Xiang thought bitterly. She jumped down, landing gracefully on her feet. Her palms raised up and two fireballs formed in her hand.

Fireballs went flying in all directions. The cave shook like crazy as if it could collapse at any moment. The guardian beast seemed to realize that its fire wouldn't overpower her, so it started to swing its iron tail. It smashed multiple holes in the wall, ranging from the size of a basketball to a car even. Xiu Xiang had many close calls as she jumped from place to place, avoiding the tail. She landed swiftly in front of the glowing red rock and jumped again when she saw that the beast had swiped at her with its sharp claws. She nearly escaped with her life, missing it by a fraction of a second. Despite missing her, the beast ended up smashing the golden chains into smithereens.

Eventually, the guardian beast was outwit by Xiu Xiang. Right before the guardian beast could spit out a fireball, a ball of gas formed in its mouth. Xiu Xiang took the chance to shoot multiple small fireballs straight into its mouth. The first one combusted and the rest shot straight inside the guardian beast's stomach. It exploded on the inside, tearing a large hole in its abdomen. The guardian beast let out a mournful howl and dropped to the ground, motionless.

She heaved a sigh of relief. Her body was started to convulse. She had spent too much energy fighting with the guardian beast. All that was left was for her to unseal the Demon King's soul and activate that rebirth spell she found. Her hand reached up to the heavy golden chains that wrapped tightly around the glowing red rock.

"You did it..." Xiu Xiang heard Hua Jian said from behind her. He confidently walked up to her with his hands behind his back as he marveled at the glowing red rock in awe. His hand slowly reach up as if wanting to touch it. He was only inches away when Xiu Xiang swung her arm. A weak fire erupted between him and the glowing red rock.

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