15| Night owl (pt. 1)

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"Are Mason and Blake coming with us?" Hannah asked, sifting through her closet in search of the perfect outfit.

I set my straightener down, running my hands through my light blonde hair. "I don't know about Blake, but Mason isn't. He said he has a big paper due that he has to work on. Nerdy, I know," I lied. I felt a pang in my chest. I was ditching my bodyguard, and I knew it wasn't smart, but it still wasn't going to stop me.

This party wasn't going to be dangerous. I'd prove it to him.

"What do you think of this one?" Hannah asked, pulling out a black cocktail dress. It was simple and form-fitting, and when she put it on to show me, I knew it was perfect.

I stood up once I finished with my hair, sifting through my new wardrobe. I hadn't realized it before, but the WPP didn't provide me with anything that resembled party attire. In fact, the only dresses I had were sundresses... flowy ones at that.

I huffed. "You look amazing. I just don't think I have anything that's close to that."

"You can borrow something," Hannah offered, her voice laced with enthusiasm.

"Actually," she said, "I have the perfect dress for you."


Not long after, Hannah and I had made our way through campus and to a familiar looking house. I pulled at the hem of the short, tight, red dress that Hannah had lent me as we approached the entrance.

This house looked old. I took my time looking at the rickety stairs, beat up patio, and chipped, dark blue paint job that covered the house. People littered the front yard, and for a moment I was worried that one more person on the front deck would send the whole thing crumbling down. None of this appeared to hinder Hannah though, as she lead the way through the crowd and to the front door.

I supposed I shouldn't have been perturbed either; this wasn't my first college party, and this certainly looked like the college housing I had grown used to. Maybe I was just feeling uneasy tonight as a whole. I didn't know any of these people, and besides Hannah, I couldn't really trust them either. Worst of all, was that pit in my stomach that grew with each moment I spent lying to Jax. There was a moment right before Hannah grabbed my hand and dragged me to the door that I considered turning around and going back.

However, Hannah's death grip on my hand ensured that going back to the dorm wasn't going to be an option. I steeled my spine as we walked to the front, stopping before a man at the front door collecting a cover charge. I panicked for a second since I didn't bring any money, but once he took in the sight of Hannah's huge boobs peaking out the top of her black dress, he waved the both of us through.

The house was vibrating with the sound of music, and black lights lit up the room. I could feel the heat radiating from all the bodies packed into the house, and it smelled heavily of cologne, perfume, and the unmistakable stench of marajuana. Hannah and I pushed our way through sweaty, dancing bodies until we reached the kitchen, where there were bottles on bottles of alcohol.

I was feeling even more anxious now... and guilty. If Jax ever found out about this he would be furious, and for good reason. The crowds around me suddenly made me feel claustrophobic and exposed at the same time. Over the past few weeks, Jax had been by my side through everything, and not having him here just felt wrong.

I reached for my phone, but soon remembered that I had left it in the room. Jax could track me though my phone, and I had made sure to leave it behind so that it looked like I didn't go anywhere tonight.

"Hey!" Hannah called to me, pulling me from my thoughts, "Come here!"

I made my way over. "I made you a drink," she said.

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