28| Twilight

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"I can't believe I let you talk me into this," Jax grumbled, adjusting the sleeves of his billowing white shirt. I had to admit, Jax in a pirate costume was way more sexy than I had even anticipated.

"It's Halloween next weekend," I defended, "and we don't have costumes! I'm usually very prepared." I reached up, adjusting my pirate hat. the costume itself was easy to get into so far, but I still had to put on the corset.

"Oh yeah?" Jax questioned, "What was your costume last year?"

I chuckled halfheartedly, "My best friend Mel and I went as Edward and Jacob from Twilight."

He cocked an eyebrow at me. "What?"

"Twilight," I reiterated, "The vampire movie franchise? Don't tell me you're not familiar."

He shrugged, turning his attention back to himself in the mirror. "I've heard of it, but I haven't ever seen it."

I let out a gasp loud enough that Jax reached out to me, placing a hand on my shoulder as he surveyed our surroundings.

"You haven't seen them!?" I asked.

He let out an exhale, dropping his arm. "Damn it, Skyler. Don't gasp like that. EVER. I thought something was wrong."

"Something is wrong. You need a Twilight marathon! A Twilathon."

He chuckled, removing his pirate hat. "Okay, maybe I'll check them out one day. Can we go now?"

I shook my head. "No. help me get this corset on."

He sighed as if I had just asked him to to write a 10 page paper, but he moved to stand behind me anyway. I held the clothing in place while he threaded the fabric together, pulling tight as I instructed. I had a momentary flashback to our first night at the motel, when he was helping me to put on my sweatshirt. We had come so far since then.

"Thanks," I said once he was finished. "Put your hat back on. I want to see the full effect."

"Someone's bossy today," Jax said, but again, he complied.

I stared at our reflections, turning this way and that so that I could analyze the whole outfit.

"Well?" Jax asked.

I shook my head. "No dice. It's just not unique enough... ya know?"

He shrugged. "I don't think many people are that unique in college."

"True," I said, removing my hat. "Wait a second; I have an idea."

It took a little while, but eventually, Jax and I were able to find the clothing pieces needed to be Chaz Michael Michaels and Jimmy Mackelroy from "Blades of Glory."

Jax wasn't thrilled about the tight fitting, red and orange onesie, but once he saw the two of us together in costume, even he couldn't deny that we looked downright hilarious.

I could tell that Jax wasn't really into this whole costume thing, but honestly, it really warmed my heart that he was going along with it just to cheer me up. He didn't need to do any of what he was doing for me, strictly speaking as my bodygard.

I got lucky with him.

After we checked out, my ankle was really starting to bother me, so we picked up some food from the Noodle's and Company next door, and ubered back to the dorms.

Jax must have really been feeling generous today, because I was not only able to convince him to go costume shopping with me and buy a spandex onesie, but I was also able to convince him to come back to my dorm so that we could have our "Twilathon."

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