27| Illusions

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Blake had only stayed long enough to drop off the first aid kit, but still, the moment had passed between Jax and I. As promised, though, Jax had spent the night with me; well, he spent the night in my room.

Once Blake left, Jax had returned to his professional self. He finished up with my injuries and then insisted that I get into bed before I ended up falling asleep on the futon with him.

Honestly, I had tried my very best to "fall asleep" on the futon beside him anyway, so that I could spend the night curled in close, but he wasn't having it.

I guess there were just some lines he wouldn't cross. At least not yet.

But, separate sleeping arrangement aside, I was grateful he stayed in my room. I was worried that Hannah wouldn't be okay. We had woken up every couple hours to make sure she was still breathing, but she appeared to be okay; passed out, but okay.

She didn't  end up waking up until morning. Jax had long since gone back to his room, and I was currently sitting at my desk, attempting to outline my psych paper when she finally awoke.

"Sky?" She croaked.

I stood up from my desk so fast that I nearly knocked over my desk chair.

"Hey," I greeted, sitting on the end of her bed, "how are you feeling?"

"Like I got hit by a bus," she said. "Could you get me some water?"

I nodded, sliding off the bed to pull a water bottle from the mini fridge, "Do you remember what happened last night?"

She shook her head, taking the water from me and having a sip. "No... not really. I went to Drayden's apartment because he wanted to talk, and I remember we got into a huge fight and he... he hit me."

I could feel anger welling up inside me, but I did my best to keep my expression neutral as she continued telling her story.

"I tried to leave, but he was really, really sorry," she continued, absently running a palm back and fourth across her comforter. "He's never hit me before, but we had been drinking, and we were yelling at each other, and things just got... heated."

"That's not an excuse, Hannah. He never should have put hands on you. Drinking or not, there is no excuse for that," I interjected.

"I know," she sniffed, "but I came back inside anyway. It was just that he was so upset about hitting me. I believed that he just wanted to apologize and make up. But, we continued fighting, and then... everything gets fuzzy."

"Yeah," I said, "You texted me saying that you needed help. You thought Drayden drugged you, and that he was yelling at you."

She nodded, "I don't really remember doing that... but I take it you came for me?"

"Of course," I said, placing a palm over hers to still it. "When I got there, you were already outside, and you were on the ground crying while he continued yelling at you. I think he was on some sort of drug too, because when I approached him, he shoved me around like I was nothing."

A tear fell from her beautiful brown eyes. "Sky, I'm so sorry. He usually doesn't mix drugs and alcohol... and he probably only drugged me so that I would forget the fact that he hit me. I'm almost sad that I do remember it; it's just not how I wanted my relationship to end. We've been together for over a year... it just sucks."

"I know," I sighed. "I'm really sorry that he treated you like that. Trust me, you can do so much better."

"Thank you," she sniffed, "So... how did you get me back?"

"Mason carried you back. He and Blake were both there. I don't think I could have gotten Drayden to leave you alone without them."

"Wow..." she said, "Well, I'll need to thank them both when I see them next. But, for now I think I just need to get out of here."

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