26| It's Always Something (pt. 2)

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I was only a minute away, but I could already hear yelling. How had nobody broken this up yet? Whatever was going on, they certainly weren't being quiet about it.

I picked up my pace, running until I could see Hannah and Drayden. Unfortunately, I hated what I found.

They were both outside of the apartment, and Hannah was sitting on the ground while Drayden leaned over her, yelling in her face.

I wasn't sure if he had laid a hand on her or not, but I wasn't going to take any chances by waiting to intervene.

"Get off of her!" I screamed, launching myself at Drayden and pulling him back by his shoulders.

Without any hesitation at all, Drayden turned to me. He grabbed the straps on my backpack, yanking me off my feet and tossing me like I was nothing. Surprising, since he really wasn't all that big; well, not by Jaxon's standards anyway.

I landed hard on the ground, my hands and knees scraping against the rough concrete of the parking lot. I was stunned; I had never been shoved around by a guy like that

I pushed my thoughts aside as I got back on my feet, only to see that Drayden was back by Hannah as he continued to berate her. This was way different than any other domestic fight I'd witnessed because Hannah wasn't even fighting back; she was just cowering on the ground, shaking and sobbing uncontrollably.

"You're a stupid fucking slut!" He spat at her.

Despite being shoved before, I didn't hesitate to wedge myself between them again. I was seeing red.

"You don't get to talk to her like that," I yelled. Why was there nobody around yet? I probably looked brave the way I was yelling at him, but quite honestly, I was hoping that Jax—or anyone really—would be close enough to hear me and help us.

"Oh yeah? Who's gonna make me stop? You?"

"Yes," I said, "Back off; she's had enough."

"Get out of my way, bitch," he snarled, shoving me once again to the side. I could smell the alcohol on him and knew that he was probably acting this way because he was under the influence. I knew he could be aggressive verbally, but I had never seen him like this before.

Still, his behavior, and the way he could just lay hands on women like that, was enough to set me off. I didn't care if these actions weren't in his usual character.

So, I brought my leg up, hard, into his groin.

Although I managed to make some contact, he was too quick, and he grabbed my leg, shoving me backwards with all his strength. I landed against the ground again, hitting my head on the sidewalk and reopening the wounds on my hands.

I was a little hurt, sure, but I was definitely more stunned and in disbelief that I just got shoved around so hard by someone I knew. Myself aside, I definitely didn't want Hannah around him any more after tonight.

I was about to push myself back to my feet for another round with Drayden, but then I heard the most beautiful sound of footsteps running towards us.

"Sky! Are you okay!?" Jaxon's voice rang out.

Thank God. "Yes! I'm good; Go help Hannah, please!" I shouted. I watched from my spot on the ground as Jaxon ran past me, grabbed hold of Drayden, and shoved him forcefully away from Hannah and I.

At first I was so invested in watching Jaxon that I was startled when a different set of arms scooped me up and hoisted me to my feet. I let out a soft whimper, and flinched as the skin on my scraped up knees straightened out.

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