5| Safety Plan

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For a moment, I wondered if he was about to give me his jacket, but it seemed he changed his mind. Either way, with everything going on, I couldn't bring myself to care all that much. In other circumstances, I would have been thrilled to wear his jacket.

"So... what happens now?" I asked Chief Hale.

"Well, Emery, as soon as we are done here, we need to relocate you. We have an emergency overnight bag we will give you, and Jaxon will drive you to one of our orientation centers in South Dakota. From here, it'll take you about 8 hours. You need to be there by 7 a.m."

Just then, Jaxon appeared with a scratchy wool blanket. He didn't unfold it as he handed it over to me. "This is the best I could find," he said.

I looked him in the eyes for the first time when I grabbed the blanket from him. I was shocked by the ice-blue color; they were much lighter than I initially thought and they were dazzling. I also couldn't help but notice the small scar that cut into his left eyebrow— it made him look dangerous and if I was being honest, even more sexy. "Thank you," I muttered, although he had already walked away from me to take his place behind the Chief again.

"What happens at the orientation center?" My dad asked. I opened up the blanket, spreading it over the two of us and flinching as I bent my sore arm.

"We already called the center and they're preparing everything for your arrival. It is here that they will give Emery and Jaxon new identities, new background information to memorize, and a new location. Even I don't know the details on their location, but I told them to make arrangements at a college somewhere so she can continue to get an education. Emery will also be given a new wardrobe and makeover to mask her identity; nothing too extreme, I assure you. From the orientation center, they will be dropped at an airport and get on a commercial flight under their new identities. Once there, they will begin their new normal."

I nodded along as I listened, although with everything going on, I didn't hear every word that was said. "Will I be able to contact my dad?" I blurted.

It was silent for a brief moment. I stole another glance at Jaxon who was looking down again. I don't know why I cared, but it almost bothered me that he was appearing so nonchalant as my life was literally falling apart. Finally, the chief answered. "No, Emery. I'm sorry. You won't be able to contact anybody from your old life. I know this is hard, but we need everyone to think that you are dead and any contact you have with anyone, even your dad, is traceable, and it puts you at risk."

I wasn't surprised at all by the answer. I pretty much knew it when I asked but I just wanted it confirmed. Hearing it stated out loud made it that much more real.

"You keep saying I need to sell her death... can I ask what that all will entail?"

I listened in horror as the chief explained how my dad needed to say goodbye to me here, go home, and tell friends and family about my unfortunate passing. The media is to be informed, and a picture of me will be displayed on the news as one of the victims of the grocery store shooting. He is then to hold a funeral for me, and hopefully, that will be enough to convince any remaining members of the mob that I am dead. Although in all honestly, I did feel that Emery Starr as I knew her had died today.

I could barely pay attention as the chief went over the finances and logistics with my dad; I didn't feel this part concerned me too much. Jaxon also chimed in here and there to mention safety measures he will be taking, but again, it was hard for me to process or really understand everything he was talking about. Time seemed to drag on slowly in this moment, but as soon as we were done with our discussion, I wished for more time; because now that we were done, it meant saying goodbye to my dad.

The chief walked with my father and I, as Jaxon lead the way down a small hallway leading to a back exit. Once we were outside, my heart began pounding and my tears started again.

"Hang on, Em, I want to have a word with Jaxon," My dad stated, moving away from me to join Jaxon by a large truck. He was loading some bags into the back.

"Emery, I just want to thank you for agreeing to testify. I know this isn't easy, any of it, but you're a brave girl. We are going to keep you safe, and we will work day and night until we get this guy," Chief said.

He was nice, and I tried to force a small smile in his direction to show him that I was grateful for his statement. He gave me a kind smile in return, and placed a strong hand on my good shoulder, which provided me with a little bit of comfort until my dad returned to me.

This was the moment that I had been dreading. I gave my dad a hug, hanging tight to him and trying to note everything about his embrace; I didn't know when I'd get the opportunity to hug him again.

"I love you, dad," I sobbed into his shoulder.

"I love you too, Emmy," My dad whispered back, "Jaxon seems like a good guy, and I trust him to keep you safe. Listen to him, Emery, at all times; trust him."

I nodded at his words, not knowing what else to say in the moment.

"Emery, we gotta go," Jaxon interrupted, giving me enough courage to pull away from my dad.

"I'll see you soon," I said, trying to convince myself more than him as I made my way over to Jaxon. Although I was talking to my dad, I couldn't look at his tear-filled eyes as I spoke these words; it was just too painful.

Jaxon was waiting by the truck with the passenger door already opened. He silently offered me a hand, which I hesitantly took as he assisted me up into my seat. I enjoyed the comfort his touch provided me, and wished I could keep my hand in his until I felt whole again.

I hadn't felt this kind of pain since my mother and sister died. I knew my dad was alive, and I was lucky to be alive, but I was being ripped away from the one family member I had left with no contact and no reunion in sight. I felt like my heart was going to burst from my chest; like there was a lump in my throat so big I couldn't breathe; like if Jaxon even looked at me with an ounce of sympathy, I would crumble into a million pieces.

This was the start of something... and I had no idea what was going to happen next. I just closed my eyes, refusing to look back at my dad as Jaxon and I pulled away from the station, knowing I couldn't bear the sight of the growing distance between us.


Again, I hope this all makes sense in way of Emery's situation and WPP. Even if it doesn't, I hope it's entertaining for you nonetheless!

I don't have much else to say lol happy reading!


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