I knew I should run, scream, call 911, but at the moment I was literally frozen in place, and I couldn't tear my eyes away from the horrific scene I was witnessing. I was further away from everyone, as I never liked to park by other vehicles, but not far enough away to be invisible to the shooters. This became very evident as more shots rang out, and I felt a stabbing pain in my arm.

I was initially more stunned than hurt, but the impact and sensation sent me falling to the ground. I rolled my head to the side, trying to soak in every detail of the shooters— if I survived this, I'd make sure these bastards would pay for this day. I was able to get a good look at most of the shooters, and noticed that they weren't going around to check the bodies to ensure they were dead. I took this information and ran with it, deciding to lie entirely still, mimicking the dead. I couldn't have been more thankful that it wasn't that busy here today-- these people would have shot anyone and everyone.

I couldn't tell you how, but I had managed to create a fake sense of calm in order to remain motionless. I kept my eyes only slightly open, trying not to blink much even as the rain poured into my eyes. I made notes of everything I could see about the shooters— their cars, guns, facial features, clothes; you name it, I took note.

They were speaking in a language I couldn't recognize, but I will never forget the tone of their voices. I heard more gunshots and screams coming from inside the store, and it took everything in me to not fall apart as there were still shooters in the parking lot. I had counted at least 4, but wasn't sure if there were more inside or in the surrounding areas.

Nearby, I saw a middle-aged man move from his spot on the pavement, attempting to crawl to a nearby vehicle after being shot in what looked to be his leg.

What are you doing!? Stay still! My frenzied mind pleaded with the man, not that he'd hear me.

The man immediately was shot at again, and this time, I knew he wouldn't survive.

"Make sure they're all dead, Javi," One of the shooters remarked.

Now that, I understood.

Now, I didn't have a choice. I knew I needed to get out of here or die trying. It was this thought that forced me to move, quickly but quietly getting into my car. Ignoring the growing pain in my arm, I shoved the key into the ignition, ducking down as I tore out of the parking lot. I heard several rounds being shot at my car, and knew they were making contact with the exterior, but I never took my foot off of the gas.

I turned my wheel, driving right passed one of the shooters on the way to the exit. We made brief eye contact, and the look on his face was one I'll never forget, despite the rain that was blurring my windows. He looked me right in the eyes as he raised his gun, firing yet another round at my car as I drove by. This shot shattered my passenger window, grazing my shoulder of the same arm I had already been hit, but it didn't pierce me like the first bullet. I choked back a panicked sob as I felt my car drive over something large, registering that it was most likely a body as I exited the parking lot.

I sped away from the store, not knowing where to go but knowing I needed to get away. I drove as fast as I could, trying my best to remain calm and trying like hell to get to a police station. I pulled out my phone to call 911, but since it was in my pocket when I was shot, it was completely rain soaked and not working.

"Damn it!" I shouted at nobody, realizing that swearing wouldn't do anything, but feeling too emotionally overwhelmed to stay silent.

Just as I thought things couldn't get any worse, I noticed a car speeding up behind me. I recognized immediately that the car was one from the store parking lot, and I could only assume it was the shooters coming to finish what they started. Knowing this could end badly, I reached over, fastening my seatbelt before punching the gas; Luckily for me, there weren't a lot of cars in town tonight that I needed to avoid.

My car screeched and groaned as I was pushing the limit of how fast my shitty car could run, and to my dismay, the opposing vehicle caught up to me with ease. The same shooter that had tried to kill me before rolled down his window, and without any hesitation or note of the fact that I was a human being, he pulled the trigger... again.

I immediately ducked out of the way, swerving my car to make a sharp turn away from him. The gunshot shattered my other window, startling me as my hand slipped from the wheel. The heavy rain pour made the roads slick, and at my speed, my car didn't have any traction as it barreled into the median, flipping with force, and rolling until it came to a stop.

My body whipped around with the car, but I was thankful to have been wearing my seatbelt, as this definitely would have killed me without it. So much adrenaline was pumping through my body that I couldn't tell what injuries I had from this accident, so I remained still aside from my shaking body and panicked breathing. I was nervous that the shooters were going to come and ensure that I was dead... after all, they seemed to be hellbent on eliminating all witnesses. If they came now, there was nothing I could do to defend myself.

I heard screeching tires, sounding like a vehicle speeding away, which was surprising to me until I heard the melodious chorus of sirens, which were getting closer and closer.

I knew then that I would be okay; that I had survived this incident, and that whoever the shooters were, they had fled before they would end up caught by the police.  As the sirens became loud and the flashing lights were now visible to me, I let the tears I had been trying to push back flow freely from my eyes, running up my forehead as I hung upside-down in my car.

Despite everything going on in my brain at the moment, one thought rang out above all else: What the hell just happened??


I know, I know... so violent right!? I struggled here so let me know if you guys think I captured the scene okay! Could you visualize what was happening? Why do you think they were shooting up the grocery store?

See you in the next chapter!


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