Chapter 11

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Rose's POV

So Dominic has been out here with me and the kids for six months now. Business wise, things been going really well. We travel to Atlanta and New York twice a month just to check on the flow of things.

As for Dominic and I, let's just say things ain't the same. I mean he's still loving, caring, and attentive, but him and I aren't in a relationship. He's too busy "living his best life." I don't care though. At the end of the day, if he want me, then he knows where I'm at.

Me and the kids? We have a bond like any other mother would have with her children. Zaydha is five years old now. I have her enrolled in homeschool, and she's very very smart. Jamison is two and bad as ever, but he's so sweet. He doesn't let anything happen to me or Zaydha. Neal is around to help with them as well.

Speaking of Neal, him and Taylor broke up. She didn't wanna stay in Miami, and she didn't wanna do a long distance relationship. So they went their separate ways. I don't talk to her like that anymore. I mean we were only friends because of Neal.

Neal lives home with me and the kids. Dominic hates that, but let's be for real. He's always in and out that I didn't want to put the kids through any stress. But let me just tell you, with a body like Neal's temptation is a bitch.

It's the weekend so that means the kids were with Dominic. I had just finished my three mile run when I walked in on Neal. He was standing at the stove with just a towel wrapped around his body. I know it's wrong, but I stood there looking at how sexy he was. I was all kinds of hot and bothered. I haven't had sex since I left Dominic and itwas starting to irk my nerves.

I ran quickly to my bathroom. I had to release this pent up energy, or I was gonna do the unthinkable. There was no way in hell I could sleep with Neal, but with a body like his, I just knew he knew how to make love to a woman.

"Ro, where you at?" I heard Neal scream out.

I threw on my bathrobe and followed his voice. "What's up, Neal?"

"How was your run?" he asked me.

"It was good," I replied. "I did three miles today instead of my normal five. I got some stuff I need to get done while the kids are away."

"Well here, I made breakfast. Put something into your system to get your energy back."

I sat at the table and admired the food before me. Eggs, bacon, grits, pancakes. I swear this food looked so damn good. Neal was an excellent cook. I haven't had to do much cooking because Neal did most of it. He just tells me to sit back and enjoy being pampered.

"Thanks, Neal," I said and dug in. Man that food was the bomb! "You got plans today?" I asked him.

"Nope, I plan on staying here and chilling today. What all you gotta do?"

"Not much," I stated. "I gotta go over some evidence for this case. I'll be in my office for most of the day."

"Well, how about you and I do something later today."

"What you have in mind?"

"Dinner and a movie? Not as in a date or anything. It's just been a while since you've been by yourself or able to enjoy life since the kids got here. I just wanna help you relax. That's all."

"Okay, cool. I'll be done about five o'clock."

"Alright, I'll find a movie for about 8 or 9 then."

"Okay," I said.

After we finished eating, I cleaned the kitchen and went to my office. I was defending a woman who murdered her abusive husband. She walked in on him molesting their 10 year old daughter. She hit him over the head with a cast iron skillet. Personally, I don't blame her. I would have done the same damn thing, but his family is saying that she did it for the money.

I worked until I found the perfect defense and was satisfied with the results. I looked at the time and it was 5:38. I had to shower and get ready.

I hadn't heard from Dominic so I figured him and the kids were good. But like any mother would, I just had to lay eyes on my babies. I FaceTimed Dominic, and he answered on the first ring.

"Hey baby," he answered.

"Hey, Nic," I said rolling my eyes. "Where the kids?"

"Jamison is in his room sleep, and Zaydha is laying beside me watching Frozen II."

I laughed. She could watch Frozen and Frozen II all day long. "Did she make you watch Frozen?"

He rolled his eyes. "Hell yeah, I'm tired of Elsa and Ana. I wanna watch football."

"You sound like a three year old," I laughed. "Me and Neal going out tonight. I might find me a li'l boyfriend while I'm out."

"Nigga, don't play with me," he said. It was like he was angry.

"Why you mad?" I asked. "I've heard all about Tamika and LaToyia. You know the kids can't hold water."

"Bye, man," he said and hung up in my face.

I was about to start doing me instead of sitting back waiting on him to want me. Who the hell doesn't want somebody, but won't let them be with anybody else? Dominic Delgado that's who.

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