|15|: Sleeping beauty

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* just so you know, the first part of this chapter, will be from Sebastian's POV.

*However, this is a one time thing, because as you may or may not know; I hate writing individual characters POV's. That's why I stick to first person and 3rd person. But because Celeste is unconscious, at the beginning of this chapter it's necessary. Enjoy!


Sebastian's POV:

  Everyone in the manor, was asleep; except for me, obviously. I should be focusing on preparing for tomorrow; but I must confess that my mind is swimming.

Ever since Celeste told me that she had a daughter, I've been thinking... she's in her early 20's, yet, she has a 5 year old.

In this day and age, it's not necessarily normal to have a child, in your teens; in fact, it's rather frowned upon. But, she admitted to it so proudly, which was strange.

  However, a lot of things about Celeste are strange. Like how she was dressed, on the day that I met her or how she talks to herself, as if someone is there.

  Her way of speaking in general, is rather strange. Not to mention, her overall lack of willingness to talk about herself. And last but not least... the scar on her side.

Adding all these things up, I can deduce that she's definitely hiding something.

  However, the thing I find truly odd is why she always seems to be on my mind.

  I don't care for anyone and I barely give them a second thought. But with her, I find myself enthralled and wanting to know more about her. Why is that?


  Sebastian wandered around the manor, thinking about Celeste and trying, to figure her out. Finally, he decided to confront her and find out her secret; so, he made his way to her room.

  He knew that she hadn't left her room, since they got home earlier and he wanted to know why. Could it have something to do, with what she was hiding?

  He came upon her room and was about to knock on her door, when he thought 'Perhaps it's best, if this waits until morning. I don't want to disturb her sleep. She might get mad, and wake the others.'

  So, upon that thought, Sebastian decided to get back to work and wait until morning to confront Celeste.

Little did he know, that the woman who so captivated him, was lying in the gardens unconscious.... and, on the brink of death.

~ time skip, the next morning ~


  I woke the young master and the other servants and gave them their chores for the day.

  I was going to wake Celeste, but my master gave me things to do around the manor and I assumed that she'd wake up on her own and come down.


Hours passed however, and I hadn't heard anything from her and I was getting concerned.

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