|8|: Where there's a will, there's a way

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~ 1 week later~

   I can't believe that I've been stuck here for a week now. I had hoped to be gone at this point.

I've gotten used to being a maid so far and I've warmed up a bit to the other servants. Ever since the kiss that I shared with Sebastian, we've gotten a little closer.

We flirt with each other, here and there and still play games.

  A few days ago, I managed to sneak away for a little while, to have tea with the Undertaker. It was nice, he's a good friend.

Unfortunately, he hasn't found any information to help me get home and neither have I.

As much as I enjoy my life at the Phantomhive manor, I NEED to go home... Aria, is waiting for me.


  Celeste went about her duties as a maid, cleaning different rooms and changing bed sheets. She was in one of the guest rooms cleaning, when she heard an all too familiar voice.

"The room is looking nice. You're doing a fine job, Celeste." Sebastian said. Celeste turned around to face Sebastian.

She smiled at him. "I think that I've finally gotten used to everything, at the Phantomhive manor." She said happily.

Sebastian walked up to her, and cocked an eyebrow. "What's wrong Celeste?" He asked.

Celeste's eyes widened. She didn't expect him to ask that question. "What are you talking about, Sebby? Nothing is wrong." She said, feigning ignorance; Sebastian didn't buy it for a second.

He narrowed his eyes at her. "You've been here for a week Celeste and we see each other every day. I know when something is wrong with you." 

Celeste sighed, in annoyance. 'Damn him, and his observational skills.' She thought.

Sebastian stared intently at Celeste, awaiting an answer. "I'm just a little homesick that's all." Celeste stated.

Sebastian's eyes widened. "I've never heard you talk about your home before." He said. Celeste chuckled. "I don't talk about it much, it's very far away. But I hope to return there one day."

Sebastian's brows furrowed. "Do you intend to leave me, my dear?" He asked. Celeste sighed. She felt guilty for lying to Sebastian about everything.

"It's nothing personal Sebastian. I've been planning to leave from the beginning." Celeste stated.

Narrowing his eyes, Sebastian said "Is that so?" In an annoyed tone. Celeste sighed guiltily. "That was my arrangement with Ciel. We agreed, that I wouldn't be here permanently."

  Sebastian frowned. "So, the young master is aware of your plans?" Celeste, looked at Sebastian intently. "As soon as I have enough money... I'll be going home." She stated.

She was tired of talking about this; it made her sad to think about leaving. Celeste had come to enjoy her time at the manor and she had come to love Sebastian; though, she would never tell him that.

As much as she wanted to go home, she knew that it would also break her heart to leave. "I'm sorry Sebastian." She said sadly, then she quickly exited the room.


  I walked away from Sebastian as fast as I could. I couldn't stand talking about my situation for another second.

I loved Sebastian, but I know that I don't belong here. I could feel tears starting to well up in my eyes, so I went to my room and shut the door.

I cried in silence for a few minutes, before pulling my phone out of the drawer. I had found a way to modify my phone, so that solar power could recharge it.

I'm so glad, that I found a way to recharge my phone because now I can call Aria and Brooke, whenever I want.

I've talked to them every night since I figured out how to recharge my phone, 3 days ago. I've kept them updated on everything I'm doing and I sing to Aria. I really miss them.

I usually only talk to them at night, when everyone in the manor is asleep, but right now; I really need to hear my daughters voice.

  I dialed Brooke's number and she picked up after the first ring. "You're calling rather early today. Do you have some good news for us?" She asked.

"Unfortunately, I still haven't figured out how to get home." I said sadly. "Have you thought about the possibility, that you might never be able to come home?" Brooke asked.

That really pissed me off. "Nonsense! Where there's a will, there's a way. I was able to enter this world, so there HAS to be a way out." I said angrily.

  "Okay okay, I'm sorry." Brooke said sheepishly. "Can I talk to Aria?" I asked.

Brooke sighed and soon after, I heard my daughter's sweet voice over the phone. "Mommy, I miss you." She said sadly.

I had tears in my eyes. "Mommy misses you too, princess. But don't worry; I'll be home soon." I said sadly.

I continued talking to Aria about various things, like how her day was going and if she was behaving for Brooke.

I almost felt like I was there with them. Suddenly, I heard a knock at my door and then Sebastian's voice.

"Hey Aria, I have to call you back." I said apologetically, before hanging up the phone. I hid my phone in the drawer and then opened my bedroom door.

  Sebastian entered and cocked a brow at me. "Who were you just talking to?" He inquired curiously. I sweat dropped. "No one." I said nervously.

Sebastian's eyes narrowed. "Don't lie to me Celeste. I heard you talking to someone." He said in a rather threatening manner.

I rolled my eyes. 'I can't tell him yet.' I thought. "I was talking to myself. It's how I figure things out." I stated confidently.

Sebastian looked at me like I had 2 heads, but then, his features softened. "You are a strange woman, Celeste. But then again, it's to be expected." He said with a smirk on his face.

Looking into his eyes, I could tell that he was still suspicious. His eyes scanned the room, as if he was searching for other people.

"Did you need something Sebastian?" I asked; trying to change the subject. Sebastian thought for a moment and then remembered why he came. "The young master would like an audience with us; so I came to fetch you." He stated.

I nodded, and followed behind Sebastian, as we made our way to Ciel's study. 'That was way too close.' I thought.


*Sorry if this chapter was a little boring, but it's almost midnight, and I'm too tired to come up with anything good right now. I promise to try harder, once I've had a good night sleep.

Edited: December 11th, 2020

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