|13|: My resolve

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I shut the door to my room. I wanted to be alone, right now. Flopping down on my bed and burying my face in a pillow, I started to cry.

It wasn't because I had spilled the beans about Aria. No, it was because this case took a toll on me.

  I had never met someone so dedicated and in love with their child before. Well, unless you count me.

The way Ashley stayed on earth for an entire month of suffering just to see her son again, made me wish to see Aria all the more.

  However, besides missing my daughter dearly; a rather dark thought, kept creeping up from the back of my mind. 'Why couldn't I have a mother, that loved me as much as Ashley loved her child?'

  I always tried not to think about my mother or father; because, it only caused me pain. I had done my best, to repress my bad memories of my past.

  As all these dark thoughts, swam around in my head, a particular memory caused me to cry even more.

~ flashback~

I had been kicked out of my foster home, because they found out that I was pregnant.

  I didn't mind not living there anymore. My foster parents were neglectful people, who had several other foster kids that they only kept around for the money.

  I didn't get along with any of my foster siblings. We were always fighting over everything. Food, clothing, bedroom arrangements, toys, personal space etc.

  I tried to keep to myself and ignore everything around me, but I always ended up fighting in the end.

So, when they kicked me out, I was kinda relieved. I called my best friend Brooke up and stayed at her apartment.

  She was an emancipated minor, because her parents were also abusive.

We had a similar background and we bonded over it. So, even though we'd only been friends for a few months; she was more than happy to let me live with her.

  I stayed at her place, all throughout my pregnancy and to help with the rent; I worked three jobs.

  When Aria was born, I realized that I couldn't keep relying on Brooke for everything; so with all the money that I had saved up, I bought my own apartment a few floors above Brooke's.

  I continued working several jobs and Brooke, would babysit here and there. Even though life was hard, I was more or less happy. However, one day... I lost my smile.

  I was cleaning my apartment, when my phone started ringing. I didn't recognize the caller ID; but I answered anyway.

  Nothing could have prepared me, for that phone call though. Never in a million years, did I expect my MOTHER of all people to call me.

  My mother, spoke in a soft and nervous voice. She'd never sounded like that before.

  I hadn't heard from that woman, since I was a little girl and all of a sudden, she was calling me.

"What do you want Cathy?" I said in a cold tone. I refused to call her mom; she was no mother of mine.

  "I called your foster parents, hoping to speak with you; but they said that you no longer lived with them." She said, in a rather scared tone.

  I rolled my eyes. "Well, I am 20 years old. It's not like I'd still live with them anyway." I scoffed. That woman didn't even know my age.

  "Celeste. They told me that you hadn't lived there, since you were 17." Cathy told me.

  "Yeah, so what." I said annoyed.

That girl: a Black butler fanfic; COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now