|4|: Well... shit.

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Celeste, made her way out of the forest. She disappointed that she hadn't found any clues.

  Normally, when a person gets sucked into their favorite anime... they'd be happy.

  "What do you mean... "normally"? There's nothing normal about getting sucked into an anime. You stupid author." 😒

  "Shut up Celeste. What do you know about normal... you're not even human. And don't forget, that I could kill you off if I wanted. I created you. That makes me... your God! 😠

"Just get on with the story."

*author clears throat* (sorry about that everyone. Let's get on with the story now. Shall we?)

~Ignoring the exchange, between the Author and Celeste~


Celeste walked down the street making her way back to the Undertaker's parlor.

  As she was walking, Celeste couldn't help but feel like she was being watched. So, she started to run and ducked into an alley. (rookie mistake ).

Reaching a dead end, Celeste turned around and came face to face with a fat man, with a thick beard; who reeked of alcohol.

  His face was inches away from hers. She could feel his hot breath on her skin and the strong smell of alcohol, made her want to puke.

  "Isn't it a little too early in the day, for you to be drunk?" Celeste asked sarcastically.

  The man growled at her. "For a pretty little thing, you've sure got a mouth on you. Maybe I should teach you a lesson." The man spat angrily.

"This is such a cliché. I mean seriously... teach me a lesson? What are you, a villain from an 80's movie?" Celeste said annoyed, while mocking him.

  The man narrowed his eyes and pinned her against the wall by her neck. "What the hell, are you talking about? What's an 80's movie?"

"Nothing you need to worry about. I was just blathering. So, why are you following me anyway?" Celeste managed to cough out; in a rather unconcerned tone. (I think you should be a little more concerned Celeste.)

The man smiled evilly. He was missing a lot of teeth. "I figured a pretty little thing like you, could go for a lot of money." He said darkly.

  Celeste rolled her eyes. She didn't have time to deal with scum like him right now. Celeste, gave a closed eye smile. "S-sorry, but I'm afraid that you'll have to find someone else to sell."

With a flick of her wrist, Celeste sent the man flying backwards 20 feet. She took a moment to catch her breath, before walking over to the man who was lying on the ground in shock.

  Celeste smiled, as she walked up to him. When he saw her, the man tried to back away; but he wasn't fast enough.

  Lifting him off the ground with one arm; Celeste held him above her head. The man pleaded for mercy, but Celeste just kept smiling, before throwing him against a wall; hard enough to knock him unconscious.

  She looked at the man, who had blood pouring out of his head. She had a look of disgust on her face.

  "Sorry. But I don't make a habit of showing mercy, to human filth like you." She spat.

  Dusting herself off, Celeste left the alley. (I guess she's not a rookie after all.)


I walked out of the alley, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. I didn't want anyone finding out what I'd done to that man.

  I turned the corner quickly; but bumped into something hard and fell on my ass.

"Ow. My ass. What the hell did I just bump into?"I grumbled, a little annoyed.

  "My my. Such language, from a lady." My eyes widened, I recognized that voice.

  I looked up, and saw none other than Sebastian Michaelis. Most people would freak out, if they bumped into a demon; but not me.

   I simply stood up and looked him in the eyes. "Sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going." I said apologetically.

  Sebastian narrowed his eyes at me, before giving me his best, fake smile. "That's quite alright, my lady."

  I rolled my eyes mentally. I didn't really feel like pissing off Sebastian right now. I was too tired.

"Sebastian! There you are! How dare you walk away from me!" A voice said angrily.

  I saw Ciel Phantomhive coming towards us. Ciel came and stood by Sebastian. "Who is this?" He asked, looking at me. "My name is Celeste, my Lord." I said politely.

Ciel and Sebastian's eyes widened. "How could you possibly know, that I'm a noble. I'm wearing a page boy outfit." Ciel said surprised.

'Oops. My bad. Well, I have to say something; I don't want to seem suspicious.' (You are suspicious, though.)

I smiled. "I can tell by your commanding tone and the way you carry yourself, with an air of dignity." I replied.

It wasn't entirely a lie. I mean, you'd have to be pretty stupid not to notice, that even when disguised...  Ciel, is of the nobility.

"You're very observant, my lady." Sebastian said intrigued.

"Not really. You'd have to be an idiot, not to notice that Ciel's a noble in disguise." I said bluntly. Then, I covered my mouth; when I realized my mistake.

"I never told you my name." Ciel said. He was even more suspicious now.

  I sweat dropped. I have to come up with a good excuse. Like NOW.

  "My apologies, my Lord. But I've seen your picture in the newspaper. So I know what you look like." I said, as convincingly as possible.

'I should've been an actress' I thought. Ciel, narrowed his eyes.

"Well, it was nice meeting you both; but, I really should be going." I said, starting to back away. Well, at least I tried to back away.

"Sebastian, bring Lady Celeste back to the manor. That's an order." Ciel stated coldly.

"Yes, my young lord." Sebastian said with a bow.

  'Well shit... I've really stepped in it now.' I thought.


* I hope you enjoyed. Sorry about the conversation, between Celeste and myself. When I was writing it, I kinda cringed; but I'm too lazy, to go back and delete it.

  Edited: December 11th, 2020

That girl: a Black butler fanfic; COMPLETEDKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat