|6|: Let the games begin

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Sebastian led me to my room. He was silent the whole way there; but I could see him looking at me, from the corner of his eye.

~ small time skip~

  It took us almost 15 minutes to get to the room. This mansion is too big. How much space does a 12 year old need?

  Sebastian opened the door and led me inside. The room was spacious. "This room is practically the size, of my whole apartment." I said.

  Sebastian raised a brow. "Apartment?" I rolled my eyes. "Yeah. Apartment. It's where people who aren't rich, live." I stated sarcastically. 

He narrowed his eyes at me. "You're not very ladylike, you know."

  I scoffed. "Thank you captain obvious." I said flatly. Sebastian, looked at me more intently. "Who is this "Captain Obvious", that you speak of?"

I couldn't help it and burst out laughing. 'This guy is clueless. I love it.'

  Sebastian's eyes started to glow fuchsia. I looked at him.

"Easy, demon boy. You don't wanna do something you'll regret, do you?" I said sarcastically.

His eyes widened, with shock. "How could you possibly know, that I'm a demon?!" He exclaimed. It was quite out of character for him and, it was quite amusing to see.

"The glowing eyes, are a dead giveaway. Not too good at concealing yourself, are ya?" I said chuckling.

  With inhuman speed, Sebastian pinned me against the wall. "Perhaps I should kill you, to shut you up." He said darkly.

I just smiled. "You could. But then you'd never find out my secret." I said.

He looked me dead in the eyes, our faces just inches apart. "And what secret would that be?" He inquired.

I smirked. "That's for me to know and you to find out... Sebby."

  Sebastian glared at me. Man, if looks could kill. "I don't appreciate you teasing me, my lady." He said, trying to contain his anger.

I chuckled. "You're just not used to someone taking the lead."

  He cocked a brow. "So, you want to challenge me, my lady? Fine. But, be prepared to lose."

  I smiled, and licked the tip of his nose; causing him, to drop me.

  A faint blush, was evident on his cheeks. "It looks like that's 1 for me and 0 for you, dear Sebby. Are you sure, that you can handle me?" I asked teasingly.

Sebastian regained his composure and gave me an evil smile. I have to say... it was pretty hot.

"Bring it on. But I can assure you, that I'll emerge victorious in the end." He said confidently. I smirked. "Then, let the games begin." I said darkly.

I was digging a deep hole for myself. I knew that playing a game like this with Sebastian, could be dangerous; but at that particular moment I couldn't have cared less.

  "And, call me Celeste by the way. After all... I'm no Lady." I said, with a smile. Then, I walked out of the room.


  Feeling the need for a walk, Celeste made her way outside to the gardens. She walked along a pathway, admiring the different kinds of flowers; the roses in particular she liked.

  Celeste crouched down, to smell some red roses, when she heard a voice say "Who are you miss?"

  Celeste looked up and was happy to see, Finnian. "My name is Celeste. Ciel just hired me to work here, as a maid." Celeste said kindly.

That girl: a Black butler fanfic; COMPLETEDजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें