|9|: Celeste's first case

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Sebastian and I, made our way to Ciel's study. It was an awkward walk. We made polite conversation, but it was as if we were strangers.

  Finally, after what felt like an hour, but was probably only 10 minutes, we reached the study.

Sebastian knocked on the door and a faint "Come in." was heard.

  Upon entering, I noticed that Ciel had a letter in his hand, that he was looking at intently. "Please sit down, the both of you." He said, not even looking up from the letter.

I sat down in a chair, next to Sebastian and in front of Ciel's desk; and waited for him to tell us why he wanted to see us.


Minutes passed and Ciel was silent. He just kept looking at the letter and re reading it, over and over again.

Celeste was starting to get nervous and Sebastian looked at Ciel perplexed. He had never seen his master stare at a letter so intently.

Finally, Ciel put the letter down and looked up at Celeste and Sebastian. "There's been continuous reports of a ghostly woman roaming the streets of London as of late. According to reports; she's always weeping and appears to be looking for some one." Ciel stated.

Celeste was confused. 'This wasn't in the anime.' She thought. "Do you believe it's a real ghost, my lord?" Sebastian inquired.

"I don't have enough information to go on, so I won't say one way or the other. However, regardless of whether she's a real ghost or not; she's giving everyone a fright, so the queen wants us to put an end to her." Ciel replied.

Celeste sat there in silence, taking in all the information. "Sounds like, an interesting case indeed." Sebastian said, with an intrigued smile on his face.

Ciel turned his attention to Celeste. "You're coming too Celeste. Your observational skills will be useful." Ciel said, in an authoritative tone. Celeste nodded her head in agreement. "We must depart at once." Ciel stated.

~ time skip~


   Ciel, Sebastian and I, made our way into the city to investigate. I was silent the entire carriage ride. 'This case, is not part of the anime. I've seen every episode, multiple times.' I thought.

When we finally came to a stop, I saw that there was almost no one on the streets; which was quite strange. "Where is everyone?" I said to myself.

"People are afraid to go outside. The ghostly woman, has them all spooked." Ciel stated.

"No pun intended; right, my lord?" I said snickering. Ciel glared at me angrily, but Sebastian chuckled.

~small time skip~

We walked down the street. Apparently, the ghostly woman had been appearing on a specific street and was causing accidents.


~ 1 hour later~

   Celeste and the others, couldn't find the woman or anyone else for that matter. This part of London, was a literal ghost town.

Ciel was growing annoyed, until Sebastian suggested, that they go see the Undertaker for information.

Celeste was a little excited, to see the Undertaker again so soon. After all, he was a good friend of hers.


  We arrived at the Undertaker's parlor, and Ciel entered immediately. Upon entering, we were greeted with creepy laughter and the Undertaker came out of a coffin with a creepy smile on his face.

That girl: a Black butler fanfic; COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now