Bonus: Fifth Fleet Debrief

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//Transcript of audio gathered by the Office of Secret Intelligence during reconnaissance operations after the skirmish near Shield World Akka. Collected via covert listening device.

//Acquirer's note: There is a fourth, unknown subject in this interaction. The unknown subject appears to be named, however despite attempts to decode the sound (See related output logs), their name is apparently self-redacting and/or anti-memetic. A copy of the recording will be supplied to Ontology and Psionics for cross-examination.

There is silence from the four save for the shuffling of papers. Someone takes a drink of water.

Shadow: Okay, I suppose I'm going first. We all read the after-action report. Tobias, I don't think you need to be told the gravity of what you've lost this time.

Folten: We get that gung-ho is your MO, big guy, but we needed you this one time to exercise discretion.

Calhoun: What the hell is this? [DISTORTED], you couldn't have brought them here just for this! If you wanted to give me a tongue-lashing you do it yourself.

???: Remains silent.

Calhoun: So what the hell is this then? This is useless is what it is. We should be out there, canvassing systems--

Something strikes the table, presumed to be Calhoun's arm. A glass rattles.

Folten: Fixing your fuck-up?

Shadow: The salvage and recovery operations are top priority, Calhoun. Not everyone made it to the pods before Ferantyl turned your Destroyer into a star.

Calhoun: Come on, [DISTORTED]. What's your take? It was your shit I lost in the end.

???: The testing of the crucial systems was successful. This revelation in and of itself yields to me greater value than the dollar value of those starships and then some.

Folten: You aren't about to--

???: Not quite. Calhoun will keep his rank; despite the votes of no confidence from Atorouk, Veyner, and Ptolemarch who I will note have failed to appear on this tribunal.

Something falls and a glass shatters against the floor. Folten and Shadow can be heard exchanging sighs of exasperated disgust.

Calhoun: No confidence? Those useless--

???: Sit down while you're ahead. That's life advice to you, General. I will allow you to pursue your toy, if you do not fail to remember your mandate while you do it. Remind us why your tattoo isn't a brand of shame.

Shadow: Wait, I can't agree with assigning General Calhoun additional command without examining his leadership style with more scrutiny.

Folten: I second. He's been nothing but unprofessional.

???: All good points, but I'm making a point of my own. Mister Davis will draw our enemies together, and in his fury Mister Calhoun will strike them down with righteous thunder. This fiasco has proven to me we have perfected the means to do so.

Calhoun: I will not disappoint you.

Folten: Is what you told me after STARDUST CRUSADER went down--and I voted no confidence.

Shadow: Folten, [DISTORTED] cast her decision. It's no use fighting it.

Folten: To hell with that, KNIGHT ERRANT was on loan from my fleet.

???: And to think I had a replacement in mind. Here I was about to offer you control of Project Umbra in exchange for your sacrifice.

Shadow: You don't mean--

???: Yes, Shadow. I mean to bring about night.

Shadow stammers, and falls silent.

Calhoun: I'm grateful for your mercy, and for the support of my fellow Generals.

???: Thus, the Fifth Fleet shall have a new charge. Pursue Jax Davis and dismantle his associates. And Calhoun? Do your people a favor and die a hero.

Audio Ends.

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