Bonus: Jax Davis Concept Scene

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//Note: This scene actually comes from an early draft of The Spectrals by KrampusTheFirst. It was written by Krampus based on a sequence I outlined in a note document for this chapter. I did not write this, and am posting it with permission.

"Uhhhh guys!" Mag called to the group, she looked back at the dark spot, it was getting bigger fast. "Somethings coming out from the water!" She ran back to the group and got ready to fight whatever was coming. 

The water exploded upwards as a creature emerged. It was a combination of a giant octopus, a giant lobster, and a giant crocodile all fused together by a sort of fleshy substance, the flesh began producing tentacles with razor sharp points. It towered above them roaring at them, green slime flying out of its mouth. The group charged it. Reaper and Axel went after the tentacles and Shadow and Magnitude ran right behind them. 

Reaper swung left and right at the razor sharp tentacles and tendrils flailing around at them. Everytime Axel or Reaper cut one off another grew and replaced it almost instantly. Mag began holding the tentacles still for Reaper and Axel. They hurriedly slashed away every tentacle but they were soon replaced by more. "This thing regenerates way too fast! We need a new plan!" Axel yelled. "Any ideas?" Reaper didn't need to yell, his booming unnatural voice could easily be heard over the roaring monstrosity.

 Mag turned around to see Jax leaning against a deck cannon, a massive rotating gun that was built to pierce the hull of every ship it fired at. He was smoking a cigar, and fiddling with a playing card. "Huh? Oh yea I got one." He dropped his card into his pocket and pulled out from his jacket pocket a gun. He pointed the weapon at the monster and pulled the trigger. Nothing happened, "Nano help me with this, your a nerd so your smart." He called. Nano who had been attempting to pin a tentacle down, ran over to Jax and took the gun. "Jax this is a laser pointer. Nano aimed it at the creature and pulled the trigger, nothing happened. The creature growled and Mag's hold weakened. "Guys it's getting angrier!" She yelled.

"No let me try again." Jax took it from Nano and tried it again, just like the first time nothing happened.

"You have to activate it!" Axel called from below. He ducked as tentacle flung at him, he swung down cutting it off from the base.

"No that's stupid! You don't know what your talking about." Jax yelled back. Nano reached over and flipped a switch, and the gun beeped to life. Nano grabbed the pointer and aimed it at the beast. The massive deck cannon began rotating towards the beast. It seemed to understand what was happening as it began frantically trying to free itself from The Spectral's hold. "I'm losing my grip here Jax! Hurry!" The cannon finished rotating. "What's wrong?" Jax yelled in frustration.

"Aim and pull the trigger again!" Nano yelled, the frantic roars from the monster almost drowned out Nano's yelling. Jax did as was told reluctantly and the cannon opened up with a loud rapturous shot, temporarily blinding The Spectrals with light. The beast's head had exploded and the lifeless corpse fell back beneath the waves.. 

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