No More Reasons...

Start from the beginning

As dick was looking down at the door knob when he noticed that there was something coming out from underneath the door. It was a crimson red liquid.. "blood.." dick said before kicking the door open.

"D-Damian... DAMIAN!" Dick yells after quickly processing that Damian was on the ground bleeding out. "DAMIAN NOO!" Dick yells once again while getting on his hands and knees. "Stay with me buddy!" Dick says while trying to stop the bleeding. "Oh no! Its not working!" Dick said while trying to make the bleeding stop. All Damian could do was lay in dicks arms as he felt the little bit of life in him fade away. "HELP! SOMEONE HELP!" Dick cried out hoping someone would come running and too dicks delight everyone came.

As soon as Bruce saw what had happened he looked horrible and so did the others. "W-What happened?!?" Bruce yelled while running over to damian to help dick. Bruce quickly checked Damian's pulse to find nothing.. Damian was dead.. gone.. deceased.. no longer alive.. only dead.. "dick.. you.. you can let go now.." Bruce said not looking at dick. "That's just what you would want! Isn't it! Just to get rid of him!" Dick yelled completely distraught and overwhelmed. "No dick your wrong this isn't what I want! He gone dick! You can't save him no more!" Bruce yelled with tears flowing down his face. "He's.. he's what?" Dick said before quickly checking Damian pulse and sure enough there wasn't one.. "ARRRRR! NoOooo!!" Dick cried out while leaning over Damian body. "Whyyy?!?" Dick screamed.

After a few seconds dick looked up only to see everyone with sad faces and tears in there eyes except for Kylie. Her on the other hand had a big grin that screamed joy and happiness! "YOU! YOU WANTED THIS! YOU KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN! YOU WERE JUST WAITING FOR THIS TO HAPPEN! YOU KEEP PUSHING HIM OVER TO THE EDGE! AND NOW HE JUMPED! ARE YOU HAPPY WITH YOURSELF?!?" Dick screamed at Kylie. Kylie's little grin completely changed to something to a surprise look with a touch of I didn't do it! But the bat bros were smarter than they looked. They could tell that it was fake.

Jason and Tim looked at Kylie after dicks quick out burst and could see that everything dick had said was true yet they didn't want to believe it. "Kylie is this true? Did you get Damian to do this to himself?!?" Tim asked while Bruce and dick were till crying over Damian. "I DIDN'T GET HIM TO DO ANYTHING! HE DID IT TO HIMSELF!" Kylie screamed causing everyone in the room to look at her.

"You so did it!" Dick yelled! "I read everything you did!" Dick yelled once again causing everyone to look back at dick then to Kylie.

Everyone in the room went silent for a few seconds until Kylie screamed. "YOUR RIGHT! I DID! THE BITCH DOESNT DESERVE THIS ATTENTION! I DO! YOU THINK BECAUSE HES DEAD THAT YOU CAN STOP PAYING ATTENTION TO ME?!? WELL YOUR WRONG! NO MATTER WHAT I DO YOUALL LOVE ME! UNLIKE THAT USELESS PIECE OF SHIT! JUST THROW HIM OFF A CLIFF AND FORGET THAT HE EXISTED! JUST LIKE BEFORE!" Kylie yelled expecting everyone to do as she says like before. But this time something was different! They weren't blinded this time, they had there eyes wide open and could see her true colours. The ones only Damian got to see and no one else.. until now.

"I'm so sorry Kylie I didn't know you felt that way.."Jason said while walking over to Kylie and tightly hugging her. "Well now you know!" Kylie said in a almost sad voice as if she had been robbed. Everyone but Jason looked at her in shock and murderous steers. "You know Kylie I almost fell bad for you.. this is gonna hurt.."Jason said in a strange way. "What's going to hurt?" Kylie asked but before she could get an answer Jason started squeezing the life out of her, she was being squeezed so tight that she wasn't able to breathe. At first they others didn't know what he was doing until Kylie started kicking and squirming. "J-Jason! Don't kill her!" Tim yelled while trying to get Jason off her. After a little prying Tim got him off her. "W-why did you do that!??!!" Kylie yelled while trying to catch her breath. "Oh you know for like killing my little brother!" Jason scared getting very emotional.

It took a lot of time for Jason and dick to calm down and not kill Kylie. Kylie on the other hand felt so betrayed! Because her loyal servants she had wrapped around her finger so tight had somehow unravelled themselves. Setting them free to there own opinions and decisions.

==========LINE BREAK==========

Narrators P.O.V
~some time after Damian's funeral~~
Of course everyone still felt like shit. After all they did push there little brother over the edge with the help of Kylie and Jon. After Damian funeral dick ended up showing the others apart from Kylie Damian's diary. And to say the least there was a mixture of emotions. There was sadness, anger, regret and a few others. Most of there emotions such as regreta and anger were pointed at themselves, Kylie and Jon mostly the last two.

Bruce ended up sending Kylie to a boarding school far away from Gotham and dicks fist, Jason's bullets and Tim's staff. Or so Bruce thought.. while Jon on the other hand couldn't get away fast enough! The Kryptonite was too strong! Ending in Jon beat up with many wounds and a large piece of Kryptonite sticking out of Jon's side. And every time they saw him Jon was guaranteed to lose and end up hurt badly. Superman definitely wasn't pleased with this.. but what could he do when Kryptonite was around? Nothing! He could do nothing! And the batbro's loved it!

After the high of beating Kylie and Jon up the batfam would usually fall into a pit of darkness and despair.. they were drowning in their own guilt.. and they couldn't do anything to change it as they knew what they did was wrong and they could never change it..

Hello everyone!
I hope you guys all like this chapter!
Sadly it is the last! But... I don't. This is the last chapter so I do hope you guys like it! Sorry if it's a bit rushed! Don't know what's going on but I've been lacking creativity over the last few days. Could be because I'm not sleeping a lot, of because tried from over booking my schedule. What ever it maybe I'm sorry if it feels rushed! Anyways I hope you guys all have a wonderful day or night
Imma go to bed now.. 😴😴😴
Till next time my lovely's! 😁👌🤟✌️🤘🤜
Word count: 1939

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