Third Ending : We're home

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It was no use. He was not going back home, that was a fact. It has been more than a month now. The sooner that fact was accepted, the better it would be. That was what Papyrus told himself, laying in be along with Mettaton., who was sleeping for a moment now. That was not Papyrus' case, who thought about his brother. He still remember clearly that day, a month ago. One moment, they were peacefully listening to the Dreemurs' speech, one moment later his brother disappeared into a weird-looking portal. Since then, Papyrus searched everywhere, around their new town, in the near villages, in the Underground, and so on. But nothing that could indicate where was Sans. The only find something...quite disturbing. At the base of Mt Ebott, there was a dead body. Of a human, who lookes like Frisk's twin. Poor child probably fell of the edge of the mountain, though they didn't know Frisk had a twin, as she was the first surprised and shocked of that. But other than that, nothing else. Slowly, everyone accepted the fact that Sans...that Sans was probably....probably.... Tears rolled down Papyrus' cheekbones as he let out a sob. "...Darling?" Papyrus turned his skull, and his eyes met Mettaton's ones. "...O-OH, S-SOR-RY MET-TTA... I DID-DN't WA-WANT TO WAK-KE YOU..." Mettaton looked at Papyrus, concern clear on his face, then he pulled Papyrus into a tight hug. Papyru let him do, sobbing on his shoulder, while Mettaton gently ran his hand on his lover's back. He was used to this scenario, since Sans disappeared. It's true that he and Sans never got along that much, but he do felt sorry for Papyrus and sad about their reality. Oddly enough, he did'nt believe Sans was dead. It was just impossible. Deep down, he knew that Sans was somewhere, trying his harddest to go back home. But he did'nt tell anyone about that, fearing that Sans was really dead. He didn't want to make Hope blossoms into their Soul, just to crush it at some point. It was the safest way. It didn't mean he had to aggree with that. Mettaton was so lost in thoughts, all alone, that he didn't notice Papyrus falling asleep, exhausted from having cried himself to sleep. Upon noticing that, Mettaton sighed, gently kissed Papyrus' forehead, before trying to go back to sleep. 'Sans...Come back. Please, darling...'

"WHAT?" "You heard me, my child. New monsters emerged from the Underground a month ago, and we were requested to go to see  them, so we could give them a proper welcome and help them settle here." "WHY HAVEN'T WE BEEN TOLD THIS BEFORE?" "Apparently, they were really different from us. They are more...aggressive and dangerous, most of them, I would dare say all of them, have a high LV. So the humans had to be sure that no one would get hurt." "HUMANS ONLY?" "Yeah! I know what you mean, Papyrus! I wanted to go as well, as the captain of the royal guards..." "Ex, darling, ex captain." "...But they didn't want me, because they thought I would get hurt!! Can you believe it??!!" Undyne almost smashed one of her blue spears into the ground to show her frustration, but was held back by Alphys and their daughter. "It's normal, Undyne. You are -were-  the captain of the royal guard. You are a model for every children, and any monster. You are a hero. If someone hurt you, it would be a shock to everyone. Especially Gerson and I, you know?" The old King's words made Undyne blush deeply, while evryone else was giggling at her reaction.  Frisk and Asriel were chatting happily, trotting in front of their group as they made their way to the embassy. It was a big building, built in the ancient greek style, at the center of their city. People would greet them on their way, humans and monsters alike. Of course, everyone knew them, they were the very monsters and the human child who built the relationship between the two people. As they came closer and closer, Grillby and Mettaton caught some monsters giving them some apologethic glances when the saw Papyrus. 'Of course...' Both monsters thought. After all, a great many of those monsters were here when Sans disppeared. They saw him. If Papyrus noticed their gazes, he didn't say anything about it. But Mettaton was not blind: the way Papyrus' smile strained, the way his body would go stiff, everything indicated that his lover understood perfectly what was going on, but didn't want to say a word. That wound was still open, after all.

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